WASHINGTON — House Republicans voted 119-74 Monday night in favor of a proposal that would gut Congress’ outside ethics watchdog and remove its independence. (emphasis added)
Republican Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte’s proposal would place the independent Office of Congressional Ethics — an initial watchdog for House members but without power to punish members — under oversight of those very lawmakers.
House Speaker Paul Ryan and other top GOP leaders opposed the change to ethics rules, but rank-and-file members disregarded their views and voted to approve the new structure for ethics reviews going forward, according to a senior House GOP leadership source familiar with the closed door discussion.
The proposal would bar the panel from reviewing any violation of criminal law by members of Congress, requiring that it turn over any complaint to the House Ethics Committee or refer the matter to an appropriate federal law enforcement agency. The House Ethics Committee would also have the […]
Congressional ethics = oxymoron
Apparently, Trump acting out his dictatorial side, has forced the so called lawmakers to rescind this new law. That the GOP leaders in Congress paid attention is the main foreboding. Nevertheless, his presidency and the GOP total control of all branches of US governance and law will set the stage for what comes next. Be comfortable in not knowing.
I don’t always agree with your opinions, but find a lot of value in what you share on schwartzreport. That being said, I noticed several articles on this same subject, which seem to say that Trump’s tweets might have influenced the Republicans in the House to go back on their plan to take control of the OCE… As a vocal opponent of Trump, how does this example of Trump influencing the GOP in a seemingly positive direction by your standards, make you feel? Is this a positive sign, or simply a distraction?
Charles —
From what I read it seems to me that the GOP reversal on the ethics issue occurred more because of the outpouring of citizen pushback than anything else. Say one part Trump three parts citizen pushback. And of course the House leadership was against this act of stupidity.
Thanks for your input Stephan. From what I’ve read as well, I believe your assessment is an accurate one. Let’s just hope that Trump continues With a populist approach, and weighs in against other issues such as the GOP’s ongoing threats to defund Planned Parenthood.
I agree with all the comments by John, Mark, Charles, and of course Stephan.