Slowly science is beginning to accept the idea that Planck put forward in 1931, consciousness is causal and fundamental, spacetime arises from consciousness not consciousness from from spacetime, as materialism postulates. Einstein described what is usually meant by what is called reality as an "optical delusion." Here is my own view, which corresponds with this report:
An assessment of the objectively verifiable experimental nonlocal consciousness research, including fifty years of my own research and studying the best of the research of others tells me that reality, spacetime, is a construct of information, an informational architecture shaped by intentioned consciousness, not all of which is human, or conceptually even planetary. In this nonlocal domain, all consciousness is interconnected and interdependent, and this can be objectively measured in spacetime. This domain of consciousness is not physiologically based and seems to incorporate the infinity of information including a seemingly eternal aspect of consciousness, and the continuity of consciousness amongst humans, and possibly other beings in the matrix of consciousness. Space and time are informational enrichers, but not limits in the nonlocal domain. We may not know what consciousness is, or what information is, but we can objectively validate the existence of nonlocal consciousness by accessing information from the nonlocal domain that is not physiologically based and could not otherwise be known.
Credit: Erin O’Flynn / The Daily Beast / Getty
This past December, the physics Nobel Prize was awarded for the experimental confirmation of a quantum phenomenon known for more than 80 years: entanglement. As envisioned by Albert Einstein and his collaborators in 1935, quantum objects can be mysteriously correlated even if they are separated by large distances. But as weird as the phenomenon appears, why is such an old idea still worth the most prestigious prize in physics?
Coincidentally, just a few weeks before the new Nobel laureates were honored in Stockholm, a different team of distinguished scientists from Harvard, MIT, Caltech, Fermilab and Google reported that they had run a process on Google’s quantum computer that could be interpreted as a wormhole. Wormholes are tunnels through the universe that can work like a shortcut through space and time and are loved by science fiction fans, and although the tunnel realized in this recent experiment exists only in a 2-dimensional toy universe, it could constitute a breakthrough for future research at the forefront of physics.
I basically agree with you, Stephan, and know that Amit Godwami the Physicist shows that a “Cosmic Consciousness” exists and is also evident in Dean Radin’s book ” the Conscious Universe”, and many others since 1901.
I basically agree with you, Stephan, and know that Amit Godwami the Physicist shows that a “Cosmic Consciousness” exists and is also evident in Dean Radin’s book ” the Conscious Universe”, and many others since 1901.