Here is an excellent detailed account of how a small group of oligarchs is plotting and acting to turn the United States into a christofascist anocracy controlled by the oligarchs. As the article lays out Leonard Leo, assisted by the Republican Congressional whores, and the Federalist Society, has already succeeded in turning the Supreme Court into their tool, as well as installing christofacists in subordinate courts both federal. and state. Now, they are moving on to the next phase of their strategy, as described here. Few Americans seem to comprehend what is happening to this country and except for small investigative publications, like ProPublica and SR, media rarely touches this story -- perhaps because most of the major media is, in fact, owned by oligarchs. In any case, unless the Democratic Party takes over both houses of Congress, and retains the Presidency in the upcoming 2024 election I doubt that by 2030 the United States will still be a democracy. Oh, the form will be there, but not the substance.
Leonard Leo, co-chairman of the Federalist Society, in Washington, D.C., in March 2017. Credit:Mark Peterson / Redux
A few months ago, Leonard Leo laid out his next audacious project.
Ever since the longtime Federalist Society leader helped create a conservative supermajority on the Supreme Court, and then received more than a billion dollars from a wealthy Chicago business owner to disburse to conservative causes, Leo’s next moves had been the subject of speculation.
Now, Leo declared in a slick but private video to potential donors, he planned to “crush liberal dominance” across American life. The country was plagued by “woke-ism” in corporations and education, “one-sided journalism” and “entertainment that’s really corrupting our youth,” said Leo amid snippets of cheery music and shots of sunsets and American flags.
Sitting tucked into a couch, with wire-rimmed glasses and hair gone to gray, Leo conveyed his inspiration and intentions: “I just said to myself, ‘Well, if this can work for law, why can’t it work for lots of other areas of American culture and American life where things are really messed up right […]
I believe we have already become an OLIGARCHY!