If you read me regularly you know I think this is exactly what is going on, exactly what the Republican Party is trying to do. The only thing that can end this is massive Democrat voter and independent turn out voting control of both houses and the presidency to the Democrats. This is also why the Senate should be reconfigured. and the Supreme Court should, in my opinion, be a 20-year term, and I think there should be eleven of them, and they should have a strict code of ethics. I think we are at a moment where we must reconfigure to accommodate what is happening to us. We must become a society of gender, racial and religious equality, not just by law, but by culture. And we must make fostering wellbeing at every level our top priority. It is the only way we are going to get through climate change. The alternative is enormous misery, suffering, and death.
Justin Jones carries his name tag after a vote at the Tennessee house of representatives to expel him. He was reinstated by his county commission within days. Credit: Cheney Orr / Reuters
We called for you all to ban assault weapons, and you respond with an assault on democracy.” These were the words of Justin Jones, a Black Democrat, to Tennessee Republicans after he and a colleague, Justin Pearson, were expelled for leading a gun protest on the state house of representatives floor.
A week later, Jones and Pearson were reinstated amid applause, whoops and cheers at the state capitol in Nashville. But few believe that the assault on democracy is at an end. What happened in Tennessee is seen as indicative of a Donald Trump-led Republican party ready to push its extremist agenda by any means necessary.
Opinion poll after opinion poll shows that Republicans are increasingly out of touch with mainstream sentiment on hot button issues such as abortion rights and gun safety. Accordingly, the party has suffered disappointment in elections in 2018, 2020 and 2022. Yet instead […]
A 10 year term to the SCOTUS seems more reasonable. Less time to become corrupted…
I agree mcdaib. I also think the supreme court should be split between the two major parties at lease, maybe with an independent as a tie breaker.