Catholic Church decline in Latin America: The Catholic Church has been a major part of Latin America culture for centuries, with a significant percentage of the global Catholic population residing in the region. However, the Church’s influence has been waning in recent decades due to a series of sex abuse scandals and subsequent cover-ups. The scandals have rocked the Church’s reputation, leading to a decline in the number of people identifying as Catholic in the region.
Let’s explore the decline of Catholicism and Catholic Church in Latin America.
The Catholic Church has been an important part of Latin American culture for centuries, with more than 40 percent of the global Catholic population residing in the region. However, the hold of the Vatican over the continent has been slowly and inexorably sliding over the past few decades. Until the 1960s, 90 percent of Latin Americans identified as Catholics. But by 2017, only 59 percent identified as such, and the trend is downwards.
In countries like Chile, trust in the Catholic Church has dropped dramatically, […]