Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ wife earned $10.3 million in commissions for her work for elite law firms, one of which argued a case before her husband, Business Insider reports.
Jane Sullivan Roberts stepped away from her career as a prominent lawyer two years after her husband’s confirmation to the Supreme Court to become a legal recruiter, matching job-seeking lawyers with employers in what turned out to be a lucrative career change.
She made $10.3 million in commissions from 2007 to 2014, according to a whistleblower complaint, which cites internal records that were obtained from her employer by a disgruntled former colleague of Jane Roberts.
Kendal B. Price, the whistleblower who worked with Roberts at the firm Major, Lindsey & Africa, said as the chief justice’s wife, income Jane Roberts earns from law firms who try cases before the court should be subject to scrutiny.
“When I found out that the spouse of the chief justice was soliciting business from law firms, I knew immediately that it […]
A friend of mine employed an attorney to work for him on a legal matter and the Jerk (Attorney) did not even show up for the court hearing after being paid $10,000.
P.S.: It makes me think that all attorneys are crooked and un-ethical.
This is corruption looks like in practice.