While we in the U.S. are undergoing the MAGAt world's culture war it is not going unnoticed by the rest of the world, and that is radically changing how we are viewed in the world. This is an article in the New Zealand media. If you lived in New Zealand how would you react when you read: "The US intelligence community’s recently released 2023 Annual Threat Assessment is blunt in its warning: Nazis and other racist groups are now the 'most lethal threat' faced by the United States"?
Neo-Nazis hold flags during a National Socialist Movement rally. Credit: Getty
America’s “doomsday” extremists are getting serious. They’re recruiting veteran and active military personnel. And they’ve begun attacking critical infrastructure.
The US intelligence community’s recently released 2023 Annual Threat Assessment is blunt in its warning: Nazis and other racist groups are now the “most lethal threat” faced by the United States.
That’s ahead of the aggressive expansionism displayed by Chinese President Xi Jinping and the invasion of Ukraine under Russian President Vladimir Putin.
And these groups “believe that recruiting military members will help them organise cells for attacks against minorities or institutions that oppose their ideology”, the report warns.
United States think tanks are also increasingly worried.
A new Brookings Institution survey found 16 per cent of Americans agree with the statement: “Because things have gotten so far off-track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.”
But law enforcement statistics reveal an increasing number of extremists are already choosing to do so.
In 2022, there were 26 “actual physical attacks” on power facilities across the […]
NICK MORDOWANEC, President of Turning Point USA - Newsweek Magazine
There were 48,832 gun-related deaths in 2021 per CDC data—the highest single-year number on record and up 8 percent compared to 2020. There is no other country in the world not embroiled in an active war that has numbers anything like that. How is this permitted by the Republicans who block all attempts to pass rational gun legislation? MAGAt Charlie Kirk dared to say what gun-obsessed Americans believe but never say. "I think it's worth (it) to have a cost of, unfortunately, some gun deaths every single year so that we can have the Second Amendment to protect our other God-given rights. That is a prudent deal. It is rational."
Charlie Kirk speaks at Culture War Turning Point USA event at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio on October 29, 2019. Kirk said at a Turning Point event Wednesday that gun deaths are unfortunately “worth” it for the preservation of Second Amendment and “God-given rights.” Credit: Megan Jelinger / AFP / Getty
Charlie Kirk, the conservative founder and president of Turning Point USA, said during an organizational event on Wednesday that gun deaths in exchange for the preservation of Second Amendment rights is part of America’s reality.
Kirk’s comments come about one week after three children and three adults were killed at the Christian Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee.
The Nashville mass shooting was the 130th mass shooting in the United States in 2023, according to the Gun Violence Archive, an online database of gun violence incidents across America using data collected from law enforcement, media, government and commercial sources.
The U.S. has averaged more than one mass shooting per day since the start of 2023, per the archive, which puts the nation on […]
Hannah Norman, - Med Page Today / Kaiser Health News
I have been telling you for years, and publishing report after report on the toxins that pervade the bodies of Americans, and cause a range of illnesses, and death. Here is the latest on this trend. Please stop using chemical cleansers, laundry products, soaps, fragrance supplements, air cleansers, and a host of other products commonly found in American homes. Read the labels, and always default to the organic option for whatever you want. The organic option may be a little more expensive, but that is nickels and dimes compared to the cost of treating cancer, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, and a host of other diseases. If enough people stop buying this crap, companies motivated by profit, which is to say all of them, will stop making them.
There could be more than just fashion risks involved when buying a pair of leggings or a raincoat.
Just how much risk is still not clear, but toxic chemicals have been found in hundreds of consumer products and clothing bought off the racks nationwide.
Thousands of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, exist since the first ones were invented in the 1940s to prevent stains and sticking. PFAS chemicals are used in nonstick cookware, water-repellent clothing, and firefighting foam. Their manufacture and persistence in products have contaminated drinking water nationwide. Also known as “forever chemicals,” these substances do not break down in the environment and can accumulate in our bodies over time.
There could be more than just fashion risks involved when buying a pair of leggings or a raincoat.
Just how much risk is still not clear, but toxic chemicals have been found in hundreds of consumer products and clothing bought off the racks nationwide.
Thousands of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, exist since the first ones were invented in the 1940s to prevent stains and sticking. PFAS […]
You may remember that in early February I published a piece on Republicans cutting food programs for school children, even though 1 in 8 or 7 school children in America, depending on which study you read, has hunger issues. Well, the Republicans in North Dakota have done it again. Only this time just to make it clear what the Republican Party is about after voting to cut the school lunch program in the state, the Republican legislators voted to increase the food program that pays them for their meals. As one Senate Republican told a reporter, “Is [children going hungry] the problem of the state of North Dakota?” Another state senator, Mike Wobbema, after voting to increase his own meal funding, seconded this thinking saying, “We talk about personal responsibility as one of the major principles that the Republican Party stands on. Yes, I can understand kids going hungry, but is that really the problem of the school district? Is that the problem of the state of North Dakota?” This in a state where the minimum wage is $7.25 an hour because the Republicans will not allow it to be increased.
Child lunch program Credit: Maskot / Getty
Last week, Republicans in the North Dakota Senate killed a bill that would have expanded a program to provide children living close to the federal poverty line access to meals at school for free. The vote was met with outcry over its cruelty, as one Senate Republican asked, “Is [children going hungry] the problem of the state of North Dakota?”
This week, 13 of the Republicans who voted to kill the school meals bill voted to increase their own meal reimbursements by nearly 30 percent, as first reported byInforum.
On Thursday, the state Senate voted 26 to 21 to pass a bill, SB 2124, aimed solely at expanding the meal allotment for state employees, including members of the legislature. If signed into law, lawmakers’ daily meal reimbursement would increase from $35 to $45 to cover three meals a day — an increase of about 29 percent. This would cost the state almost $1 million over the two year budget cycle.
The Republican Party has no wellbeing-fostering policies, what as a group the party has become is a white supremacy, male-dominant, sexually perverse culture war cult. How far will the Republicans go with their obsessions? How about having your child go to school, and have to pull down their underwear to see if they have a penis or a vagina.
Credit: Dreamstime.com
On Wednesday, Kansas Republicans finally passed an aggressive ban on transgender people participating in girls’ and women’s youth and collegiate sports. This law could lead to state-mandated genital inspections of some athletes.
After Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly vetoed the proposal in 2021 and 2022, Republicans finally gained enough support to make the so-called “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” law.
The new law bans trans girls and women from playing sports at school starting in kindergarten. The Kansas State High School Activities Association said only three trans girls participated in school sports this year. The new law does not ban trans boys from playing sports and goes into effect on July 1.
Advocates have been asking how exactly schools were supposed to determine which gender a child was assigned at birth, but at a hearing for the bill in February, state Rep. Barb Wasinger, who sponsored the bill, said that enforcement would happen through “sports physicals.”
Wasinger told The Kansas City Star Thursday: “Currently, you have to supply a birth certificate to even go to school. And if you’re […]