I have been following America’s economics concerning what Eisenhower accurately described as the military-industrial complex. As Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in World War II, he saw the birth of this trend and the creation of the beast that is consuming our culture. Can you imagine what could have been done to upgrade every aspect of America, if some of that money consumed by the war corporations had been made available elsewhere?
Have you noticed any other country in the world that is so constantly at war somewhere in the world as the United States? Do you know that we spend more on this complex than the next seven nations combined? And please do not misunderstand me, I support what we are doing in the Ukraine, and only wish we had done it all sooner. It would have made a difference. And please note that unlike a dozen other struggles we are not fighting in the Ukraine, we are supplying.
The current Pentagon budget is the biggest arms expenditure in world history. Credit: Adobe
On June 3rd, President Joe Biden signed a bill into law that lifted the government’s debt ceiling and capped some categories of government spending. The big winner was — surprise, surprise! — the Pentagon.
Congress spared military-related programs any cuts while freezing all other categories of discretionary spending at the fiscal year 2023 level (except support for veterans). Indeed, lawmakers set the budget for the Pentagon and for other national security programs like nuclear-related work developing nuclear warheads at the Department of Energy at the level requested in the administration’s Fiscal Year 2024 budget proposal — a 3.3% increase in military spending to a whopping total of $886 billion. Consider that preferential treatment of the first order and, mind you, for the only government agency that’s failed to pass a single financial audit!
Even so, that $886 billion hike in Pentagon and related spending is likely to prove just a floor, […]
As the elites of a decaying empire continue to throw money into a war machine in a desperate attempt to hold onto their grasp of power the rest of society suffers. Worst, these same elites slow walk us blindly toward nuclear in Ukraine. This in a system so broken that none of them will be held to account for the waste and destruction.
As the elites of a decaying empire continue to throw money into a war machine in a desperate attempt to hold onto their grasp of power the rest of society suffers. Worst, these same elites slow walk us blindly toward nuclear in Ukraine. This in a system so broken that none of them will be held to account for the waste and destruction.