Republican Christofascist Texas Governor Gregg Abbott and the state’s Republican legislature obsessed with guns, have made it possible for anyone with no training or licensing to walk around Texas carrying a concealed weapon. No question, the Republicans place guns above the wellbeing of the people of Texas. And what has happened as a result? Here is the blood stained answer. Death. Much more death, death caused by haters, as this article describes. And this same trend is going in all the Red states. The result? Since the first of January this year, according to the gun archive, 21,684 people have died from being shot. As of 3 July (the numbers go up every day so I have to give the date) there have been 339 mass shootings. What is even worse these shootings have killed or injured, 476 children from one to eleven years of age. In France there have been riots involving tens of thousands of demonstrators because one teenager was shot by one cop. Why, I wonder, are there no such demonstrations in the United States where 527 people have been shot and killed by police in 2023? As you can see in tourist advisories America’s gun madness is warning tourists to stay away.
Newly released data collected from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) show that hate crimes in Texas increased by 6.4 percent from 2021 to 2022, marking the sixth year in a row the state has seen an increase in hate crimes—and setting a new record. The data show that Texas reached a new peak of at least 549 documented hate crimes across the state, with over 56 percent of hate crimes in 2022 targeting LGTBQ+ and Black people.
Hate crimes tracked by DPS are defined as crimes “motivated by prejudice, hatred, or advocacy of violence including, but not limited to, incidents for which statistics are or were kept under the Federal Hate Crimes Statistics Act.” An analysis of the DPS hate crime data by the Texas Observer shows that anti-LGTBQ+ hate crimes not only are the most numerous but also occur at a shockingly disproportionate rate. Anti-LGTBQ+ hate crimes occurred at the highest rate of any group, 4.7 times the rate of all hate crimes in the state. Anti-Jewish hate crimes occurred at the second-highest rate, occurring at a […]