A home-schooled lawyer has spent the majority of his professional career fighting public schools to no avail. They’re harmful, he claimed, but his pleas have for years fallen on deaf ears.
But it seems that now that he has rebranded it as “parents’ rights,” the movement has taken off.
The Washington Post wrote a profile on conservative Christian Michael Farris that revealed a secret phone call showing the way that he is obtaining support from Christian millionaires. Farris made a name for himself by getting the story “Rumpelstiltskin” banned from classrooms.
Speaking on a confidential conference call, he told the group, according to one member, he sought to “take down the education system as we know it today” on the grounds that schools were indoctrinating children to be “secular.”
To him, that’s a “godless religion,” even though being secular means to not profess belief in any specific religion.
He has been using his law degree to launch lawsuits claiming schools are teaching children to […]
It’s one thing to have these educational fascist getting laws changed, but where are the Dems who should be screaming and pushing to get rid of these fascist legislators who are destroying public education. Why is no one demanding that we continue, according to the Constitution. to have separation of church and state? Charter Schools and voucher programs help the rich who, while they can afford private schools, are getting tuition for free —-and in religious schools!!!! Why are Americans sitting passively by and allowing this to happen. Does no one really care about our future?
Terri Quint
I have no doubt that this gentleman is doing what he was recorded as saying. The situation, however, is much more complex. Many of us discovered with horror during the COVID epidemic how little education was actually occurring with our children within a public school context. This coupled with an arrogance from educational officials maintaining “they know best” despite the wishes of the taxpayers who fund their salaries. It is this on-going disconnect between those who fund the system vs. those who run the system which fuels the parents rights movement. It’s not only conservative Christians who are driving this. Many seek to obtain some level of control over systems which appear to be behaving independently with no regard to the wishes of those taxed to pay the bills.