Samuel Alito’s Wife Leased Land to an Oil and Gas Firm While the Justice Fought the EPA


Yet another report on newly discovered corruption on the Supreme Court, this involving Samuel Alito and his wife. It is amazing to me that the christofascist six person cabal that dominates the court, and tells over 333 million Americans what they can and cannot do in their lives has no ethical standards and is subject to no accountability. These stories come out week after week and the result? There is no result. The cabal does as they please, committing ethical offenses that would get you sent to prison.

A year ago this month, Martha Ann Bomgardner Alito decided to see if a 160-acre plot of land in Grady County, Oklahoma, would produce. In a lease filed with the Grady County clerk, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito entered into an agreement with Citizen Energy III for revenue generated from oil and gas obtained from a plot of hard scrabble she inherited from her late father. It is one of thousands of oil and gas leases across Oklahoma, one of the top producers of fossil fuels in the United States.

Last year, before the lease was activated, a line in Alito’s financial disclosures labeled “mineral interests” was valued between $100,001 and $250,000. If extraction on the plot proves fruitful, the lease dictates that Citizen Energy will pay Alito’s wife 3/16ths of all the money it makes from oil and gas sales.

In the past, Alito has often recused himself from cases that pose potential conflicts of interest with his vast investment portfolio. Many of these recusals were born from an inheritance of stocks after the death of Alito’s father-in-law, Bobby […]

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A Supreme Dissent: Justice Sonia Sotomayor Eviscerates the Court’s Civil Rights Rollback


In contrast to the corruption of the christofascist majority of Justices Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor presents the case for real justice. Please take the time to read this. I am quite surprised that the corporate media talk so very little about the ethical contrast between the christofascist cabal, and the progressive wellbeing fostering minority.

Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is sworn in on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, July 13, 2009, during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Credit: George Bridges / AP

Straining to hand the anti-LGTBQ movement a major legal victory, all six conservative Supreme Court justices voted on June 30 in 303 Creative, LLC v Elanis  to uphold a challenge to Colorado’s anti-discrimination laws. In so doing, they upended decades of key legal precedent that has long held that the First Amendment does not entitle commercial enterprises that offer their goods and services to the general public to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation or any other protected category.

To get a sense of just how spurious both the case, which relies on a hypothetical scenario, and the majority decision are — not to mention the floodgates for discriminatory conduct the decision opens up — one need only look at Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s stinging dissent. The full scope of her powerful and widely noted 38-page dissent, which was joined by […]

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Marjorie Taylor Greene repeats debunked claim: Biden handing out crack pipes for ‘racial equality’


The other day it was splashing Hunter Biden’s nude pictures — as if the nude pictures of a drug addled son of the President — are the concern of Congress. Today it is the blatant lie that the Biden administration is handing out crack pipes. Am I exaggerating? Here are her words, “…while the drug crisis in this country soars out of control, the Biden administration is busy sending crack pipes, syringes, and safe sex kits to drug addicts in the name of harm reductio.” That is what she told Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Dr. Rahul Gupta. We have a culture problem in the United States: As a society we lack a sense of ethics. Does it not strike you as amazing that a Congress member, could and did tell such an easily proven lie, and yet draw no rebuke from her party. What the culture war is doing is destroying the historic sense of ethics for about a third of the population. It has become the defining characteristic of the Congressional Republicans.

MAGAt Republican Representative from Georgia. Credit: Screengrab

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) complained on Thursday after claiming President Joe Biden’s government was giving out “crack pipes” and “safe sex kits.”

At a House Oversight hearing on fentanyl, Greene suggested Biden’s border policies were to blame for the drug crisis.

“But while the drug crisis in this country soars out of control, the Biden administration is busy sending crack pipes, syringes, and safe sex kits to drug addicts in the name of harm reduction,” she told Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Dr. Rahul Gupta. “Wouldn’t it be easier to deal with the drug addiction and drug overdose if there were fewer drugs in our country?”

“So the first thing we have to do is keep people alive,” Gupta replied. “And this is the reason that the President is committed to making sure we have technology at the border that detects every bit of fentanyl that’s coming through.”

Greene pushed the debunked claim that the Biden administration was providing crack pipes for “racial equity.”

“I read […]

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‘It’s bizarre’: Wisconsin Republicans want 14-year-olds to be able to serve alcohol


Can you believe this? “…some GOP lawmakers in Wisconsin favor lowering the age for legally serving alcohol to 14.” When I read that, what I read was, horny Republican men want to allow 14 year old girls to be barmaids serving alcohol, so they can be tempted to drink some, be groomed and be vulnerable sexually. Would you let your 14-year-old daughter work in a bar? One of the saddest trends happening in America, in my opinion, is that the Republican Party of Dwight Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt has become the party of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jim Jordan.

The kind of bar Wisconsin Republicans would like children to be able to work in. Credit: Creative Commons

Before President Ronald Reagan signed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 into law, the drinking age varied from state to state in the U.S. Some states allowed minors to legally purchase alcohol at 18, but Reagan and members of Congress agreed that 21 should become the national standard.

What still varies from state to state is how old one needs to be legally serve alcohol. Some states allow minors to serve alcohol in restaurants even though they can’t legally purchase it.

The Guardian’s Wilfred Chan reports that some GOP lawmakers in Wisconsin favor lowering the age for legally serving alcohol to 14.

“Wisconsin is just one of a growing number of states where predominantly Republican lawmakers are making quiet moves to roll back the alcohol service age, so that kids who can’t legally buy alcohol — or in Wisconsin’s case, even drive a car — would be allowed to serve hard drinks to customers at […]

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