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What Is Degrowth?
- Degrowth is the idea that we should prioritize sustainability and human well-being over economic growth.
- It comes from the French “décroissance,” which was coined in 1972 by social philosopher André Gorz.
- It first emerged as a distinct movement and theory in the early 21st century and entered the English language in 2008.
- Between 2000 and 2019, increased renewable energy capacity covered only 16 percent of new energy demand.
- Human activity has surpassed five out of nine planetary boundaries: global heating, plastic and chemical pollution, biodiversity loss, habitat loss and nitrogen and phosphorous pollution.
- Global North countries are responsible for 92 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in excess of planetary boundaries, and wealthy economies are responsible for 74 percent of unsustainable resource use.
- The U.S. has the highest GDP in the world but scores behind several countries on well-being indicators, including Panama and Costa Rica.
- Green growth and ecomodernism are two main schools of […]
This article articulates a vision for a sustainable future; however, it neglects to mention the required reduction in the standard of living needed to make it occur. To believe that electing Democrats will achieve this vision is fantasy. The neo-liberal economic model has captured both major political parties. A viable future requires that all of us in the global north have a lower standard of living. Full stop. Sustainability is a concept given lip service but one where “you go first” is the primary strategy of implementation. This means nothing happens as the elites who want to plan our future for us jet to Davos, and Jackson Hole for exclusive and well insulated gatherings. You will know when the Democrats are serious when they fire all of their neo-liberal economic advisors.