This is exactly what I predicted would happen, and now it is. We are headed for a trillion dollar real estate collapse as the sea rises in coastal regions, and violent weateher events become worse and more frequent. If you live in such an area do some research and see what the predictions are and sell before they come to pass.
The Steinhatchee marina is seen flooded in Steinhatchee, Florida on August 30, 2023 after Hurricane Idalia made landfall. (Photo: Chandan Khanna/AFP via Getty Images)
“The growing insurance crisis illustrates the vital importance of seeing climate change as a risk to the entire financial system,” said one watchdog group.
With extreme weather disasters increasing in frequency and intensity as the global climate crisis rages, wealthy homeowners in some coastal areas of the United States are paying six figures a year to insure their houses against flooding and other impacts of the kind that Hurricane Idalia brought to Florida last week.
Bloomberg‘s Felipe Marques and Devon Pendleton reported Thursday that the owner of a $50 million mansion on Florida’s Star Island was given a $622,000-per-year quote for home insurance.
“Granted, that was a recent quote for a policy on one of the ultraluxe mansions on the Biscayne Bay island, where A-listers like Rick Ross, Ken Griffin, and Alex Rodriguez own homes. But, only last year, the same policy cost $200,000,” Marques and Pendleton wrote. “Even for the moderately wealthy, insurance costs […]
Politico has finally put together the scummy trail of corruption, lack of integrity, and thirst for power of Clarence and Ginni Thomas. Politico is to be applauded. This is how bribery of politicians became legal, as a result of the Citizens United decision. What I don’t hear anyone talking about is that inevitably some of the Trump decisions will work their way up to the Supreme Court, and the christofacist cabal that controls the Supreme Court will have the final word.
The Supreme Court’s decision in the 2010 Citizens United case transformed the world of politics. It loosened restrictions on campaign spending and unleashed a flow of anonymous donor money to nonprofit groups run by political activists.
In the months before the ruling dropped in January of that year, a group of conservative activists came together to create just such an organization. Its mission would be to, at the time, block then-President Barack Obama’s pet initiatives.
The activists included Federalist Society leader Leonard Leo and his ideological soulmate, a hard-edged activist named Virginia Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
“Ginni really wanted to build an organization and be a movement leader,” said a person familiar with her thinking at that time. “Leonard [Leo] was going to be the conduit of that.”
She also had a rich backer: Harlan Crow, the manufacturing billionaire who had helped Thomas and her husband in many ways, from funding luxury vacations to picking up tuition payments for their great-nephew.
At the time, the Citizens United ruling was widely expected, as the court had already signaled its intentions. When it came, it upended nearly 100 years of campaign […]
The fate of our democracy is going to end up being decided by Alito and the other five justice on the Supreme Court in his cabal. No one is talking about this, and yet it should be a major topic of discussion, because something has to be done about the lack of ethical standards and the corruption of the court.
Associate Justice Samuel Alito Credit: Chip Somodevilla / Getty
Justice Samuel Alito refused Friday to recuse himself from an upcoming Supreme Court case, even though one of the attorneys in the suit published fawning profiles of him in TheWall Street Journal.
The reason? Recusing from cases that involve longtime colleagues would “disrupt” the Supreme Court’s work, Alito argued.
Senate Democrats warned Chief Justice John Roberts last month that Alito had violated ethical standards by sitting for two Wall Street Journal interviews with lawyer David Rivkin, because Rivkin was also representing a couple asking the Supreme Court to review a tax case. But Alito pushed back Friday, arguing that recusing himself would actually be detrimental to the high court’s work.
“When Mr. Rivkin participated in and co-authored the articles, he did so as a journalist, not an advocate,” Alito said in a statement.
“We participate in cases in which one or more of the attorneys is a former law clerk, a former colleague, or an individual with whom we have long been acquainted. If we recused in such cases, we […]
Part of the problem caused by the weaponization of lies crisis is that there still exists a climate change denier movement, men and women who are manipulated by misinformation. THere has to be a price for knowingly spreading misinformation. That is the discussion I think we need to have before the next election.
Climate activists rally, to urge politicians to stand against climate denial and hate, January 9, 2017 in New York. The protesters gathered as part of a nationwide day of action against US President-elect Donald Trump’s climate denial cabinet. Credit: Don Emmert/AFP / Getty
A “heat wave scam” is what one social media user called the record-high temperatures reported by European scientists late last month. In a separate post, another account referred to new policies aimed at reducing the carbon emissions of buildings as “climate communism.” As of Friday, the two social media posts have been viewed at least 2 million times—more eyeballs than some of the biggest primetime cable news shows will average in a week.
I live in a state where marijuana has been legal for years, and has less of an impact on my community than alcohol, which is to say none at all except those involved. I have been looking to see if there was any data about the social outcome effects of marijuana, and saw this. It’s good news.
A large Australian study has found that medicinal cannabis significantly improves quality of life, fatigue, pain, anxiety and depression in people with chronic illness. Credit: Depositphotos
Initial results from a study into the effects of medicinal cannabis on the health of people living with chronic illnesses have found that the drug significantly improves health-related quality of life, fatigue, pain, anxiety, and depression. The researchers are analyzing 12-month results to see if the effects last over the longer term.
Living with a chronic illness can considerably reduce quality of life by interfering with physical, mental and social functions. The Quality of Life Evaluation Study (QUEST) is one of the world’s largest longitudinal studies examining the effect of medicinal cannabis on the overall health-related quality of life of patients with chronic health conditions.
The Australian study, led by the University of Sydney, was supported by Little Green Pharma, which provided the medicinal cannabis, and the Health Insurance Fund of Australia (HIF), a not-for-profit private health insurance provider. The researchers are now reporting the three-month interim results of the […]