We’ve all often wondered whether Donald Trump understands the historical import of what comes out of his mouth. He’s so ill-informed, so proudly ignorant, that it’s easy to think that when he hurls a historical insult, he just doesn’t know.
I feel pretty safe in saying that we can now stop giving him the benefit of that particular doubt. His use—twice; once on social media and then repeated in a speech—of the word “vermin” to describe his political enemies cannot be an accident. That’s an unusual word choice. It’s not a smear that one just grabs out of the air. And it appears in history chiefly in one context, and one context only.
Before we get to that, let’s just record what he wrote and said. On Saturday at 10:25 a.m., he posted on Truth Social: “In honor of our great Veterans on Veteran’s Day, we pledge […]
What must be done in the next election is in Democratic TV ads, parts of what Trump is actually saying that are fascist comments MUST be played and then the question asked—–How is this helping you in your life and well-being? Americans, who usually don’t read normal papers or follow good news programs, know nothing about what is really going on and need to hear it from the horse’s mouth and be told over and over that none of his words will help them in any way!!!! Terri Quint