It is amazing and very depressing to me, and perhaps to you, that day after day, week after week, month after month, a constant litany of the criminality of the Trump and Kushner families emerges in the press, involving almost everyone who worked or was associated with Donald Trump. And yet none of them are in prison. The absurd Trump trials just drag on, even has he makes threats against the judges, prosecutors, and their staffs. Nothing happens. I don’t know whether the courts are frightened of Trump, but they certainly display again and again a lack of courage to hold him accountable. It is destroying the respect Americans have for our judicial system.
In April 2022, Jonathan Braun, left, and his wife, Miriam, visited a Trump resort in Florida. Mr. Braun said they ran into the former president by coincidence. Credit: The New York Times
Jonathan Braun of New York had served just two and a half years of a decade-long sentence for running a massive marijuana ring, when Mr. Trump, at 12:51 a.m. on his last day in office, announced he would be freed.
A Staten Islander with a history of violent threats, Mr. Braun had told a rabbi who owed him money: “I am going to make you bleed.” Mr. Braun’s family had told confidants they were willing to spend millions of dollars to get him out of prison.
At the time, Mr. Trump’s own Justice Department and federal regulators, as well as New York state authorities, were still after him for his role in an entirely separate matter: his work as a […]