Yet another story about the Republicans attempting to sabotage a free independent press. I think that in Red states freedom of the press is going to be under increasing threat. Republicans don’t like a free press because a free press can report their criminality and corruption. If you live in a Red state prepare yourself for the end of local media that actually reports the whole truth.
Newspaper boxes in Atmore, Ala., feature further coverage stemming from the arrests of Atmore News publisher Sherry Digmon and reporter Don Fletcher. Atmore is in Escambia County, which has four newspapers. Credit: Paul Farhi / The Washington Post)
ATMORE, ALABAMA — When Don Fletcher checked the mailbox outside his newspaper’s office on Main Street in late September, he found a little gold mine waiting for him.
Folded up inside was a copy of a grand-jury subpoena served on two employees of the local school system. The confidential document indicated that a criminal investigation into potential financial abuse was underway — a solid lead for a veteran reporter like Fletcher.
It took a couple of weeks to confirm, but Fletcher soon broke the news in the weekly Atmore Newsthat officials were probing the Escambia County Board of Education’s handling of federal covid-19 relief funds. What happened next, though, lifted Fletcher’s story far beyond this town nestled amid cotton fields north of the Florida panhandle.
Yet another MAGAt who appears of have raped a woman. There is something very sick about the MAGAt view of women, but Republican women don’t seem to care.
Screen grab of Jason Miller appearing on Fox
The Daily Beast’s Jose Pagliery, who describes the lawsuit as “explosive,” reports that it was filed on behalf of A.J. Delgado, a former Trump 2016 campaign aide with whom Miller had an affair and who has since long accused Miller of stiffing her on child support payments.
The lawsuit alleges that Miller would ply Delgado with alcohol and then take advantage of her sexually while they were working together on Trump’s campaign for the presidency.
This happened the first time, the suit alleges, when Miller lured her back to a Las Vegas hotel room where she woke up the next morning after having apparently blacked out the night before.
“Delgado, who had had an extremely busy day and had had very little to eat, was inebriated, nauseated, and felt unwell,” the lawsuit claims. “The next morning, Delgado awoke in the bedroom portion of the suite, partially dressed, with her jumpsuit hanging around her ankle, what appeared to be vomit on the side of her […]
Moms for Liberty, ostensibly a group of mothers trying to protect their children by devastating public libraries, is now revealed to be yet another MAGAt Republican scam. The Philadelphia chapter leader is now revealed to be a convicted registered sex offender. Do the MAGAt woman in this organization seem to care? They do not. I find increasingly notable that MAGAt Republican women don’t seem to have any integrity. They talk it, but they don’t live it.
Phillip Fisher Jr., who works with the Philadelphia chapter, once pleaded guilty to aggravated sexual abuse of a minor boy, but he still claims he’s innocent. Credit: Hannan Bejer / The Washington Post
Moms for Liberty claims to be “protecting” children from content the group deems inappropriate, such as anything involving LGBTQ+ people. But it turns out that the faith outreach coordinator for Moms for Liberty’s Philadelphia chapter is a registered sex offender.
Phillip Fisher Jr., who’s also a minister and Republican ward leader in Philadelphia, was convicted of aggravated sexual abuse of a 14-year-old boy in 2012 in Chicago, The Philadelphia Inquirerreports.
Fisher has maintained he’s innocent, even though he pleaded guilty to the charge, one of 12 counts filed against him. He said he was set up by associates in a political action committee for the late conspiracy theorist and presidential aspirant Lyndon LaRouche. He was trying to escape the group, which he came to consider a cult, he told the Inquirer.
“It was a political situation that happened between me and Lyndon LaRouche,” Fisher said. […]
Damian Carrington, Environment Editor - The Guardian (U.K.)
This is what corporate and national greed and evil look like. Saudi Arabia knowingly is trying to destroy earth’s matrix of life. Do not buy anything from Aramco or Valvoline.
A Saudi Aramco oil refinery, one of the organisations involved in the oil demand sustainability programme. Credit: Ahmed Jadallah / Reuters
Saudi Arabia is driving a huge global investment plan to create demand for its oil and gas in developing countries, an undercover investigation has revealed. Critics said the plan was designed to get countries “hooked on its harmful products”.
Little was known about the oil demand sustainability programme (ODSP) but the investigation obtained detailed information on plans to drive up the use of fossil fuel-powered cars, buses and planes in Africa and elsewhere, as rich countries increasingly switch to clean energy.
The ODSP plans to accelerate the development of supersonic air travel, which it notes uses three times more jet fuel than conventional planes, and partner with a carmaker to mass produce a cheap combustion engine vehicle. Further plans promote power ships, which use polluting heavy fuel oil or gas to provide electricity to coastal communities.
The ODSP is overseen by Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, the crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, and involves its […]
The United States illness profit system is the worst healthcare system in the developed world — we rank 69th. But a few states are making important wellbeing fostering changes in their state policies that move their state closer to full healthcare coverage. Do I need to tell you these states are all Blue states controlled by Democrats. The interesting thing I have been watching is that the more New Mexico comes under Democratic control the higher the quality of life for the state’s population has become. Meanwhile the Republican controlled Red states are losing doctors by the score, and large parts of Red states, particularly rural areas, are becoming “medical deserts” where high quality medical care is almost impossible to come by.
Credit: Getty / iStockphoto
Universal health care remains an unrealized dream for the United States. But in some parts of the country, the dream has drawn closer to a reality in the 13 years since the Affordable Care Act passed.
Overall, the number of uninsured Americans has fallen from 46.5 million in 2010, the year President Barack Obama signed his signature health care law, to about 26 million today. The US health system still has plenty of flaws — beyond the 8 percent of the population who are uninsured, far higher than in peer countries, many of the people who technically have health insurance still find it difficult to cover their share of their medical bills. Nevertheless, more people enjoy some financial protection against health care expenses than in any previous period in US history.
The country is inching toward universal coverage. If everybody who qualified for either the ACA’s financial assistance or its Medicaid expansion were successfully enrolled in the program, we would get closer still: More than half of the uninsured are technically eligible […]