Image by Pete Linforth / Pixabay

It’s no secret that for years Republicans have targeted Black and Hispanic voters, doing everything they can to make it harder for these folks to vote. Their latest targets are young people: the GOP has decided (probably correctly) that Gen Z is their mortal enemy.

The DLC’s National Communications Director, Abhi Rahman, laid it out for Rolling Stone magazine:

“Young people are the reason why Biden won in 2020 and Democrats up and down the ballot won in 2022 and 2023. If Gen Z continues to vote, we’re on the cusp of the most progressive era in our country’s history. Republicans know this as well, and that’s why they’re doing everything they can to stop young people from voting, including the fight for restrictions that we’re seeing play out in states like Wisconsin today.”

You could call it 21st Century Jim Crow, but this time it’s more like James Crow, PhD. The GOP has turned voter suppression from an anecdote into a computer-based science, and they’ve had a lot of […]

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