Tel Aviv EV roadway

Electreon is the leading provider of wireless charging solutions for electric vehicles (EVs). We deliver cost-effective, end-to-end charging infrastructure and services, including dynamic charging wireless Electric Roads, to fleet operators via flexible business models to accelerate electric vehicle adoption.

  • Charge while driving
  • Charge while queuing
  • Charge while parked

No upfront investment with
Charging as a Service

Costs and operational complexity can be the biggest barriers to fleet electrification. Electreon provides accessible financing options including Charging as a Service (CaaS), customized to meet the needs of fleet vehicle operations. We cover upfront costs, including the infrastructure, implementation and operations. Our customers can choose to pay a monthly subscription, or pay for wireless EV charging as they use it.

An invisible shared platform for all EVs

We’ve been at the forefront of implementing wireless electric vehicle charging for both dynamic and stationary applications for a range of EVs. Our service is available today and operating in multiple countries.

We’re building an ecosystem of global partners to offer real, sustainable and cost-effective solutions to regional municipalities, Departments of Transportation, […]

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