Workers at work Credit: Harvard School of Public Health

A new piece of research has found 39% of employees who have been with a company for less than six months plan to leave within the next 12 months, a six point increase from last year. 

With the new-job honeymoon phase well and truly over, employees are increasingly determined to make their voices heard when it comes to ensuring their workplace experience addresses their individual needs. They’re not prepared to hang around in jobs that aren’t working for them.

So why are American workers so unhappy that they are thinking about quitting so soon after starting? 

Often it’s a case of finding out that the grass is not quite as green as they might have been led to believe.

That can be because the people who hired them are not the ones they end up working with, and the vague promises and commitments made during the recruitment process fail to materialize once they are in position.  

Subtle reasons

It’s not that employers are breaching the terms of the employment contract––it’s more subtle than that. 

It […]

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