Credit: Tim Warner / Getty
Supporters of “Texit,” the campaign for Texas to secede from the United States and become a fully independent nation, have had a busy year. Earlier this month the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), the leading pro-independence campaign group, delivered a petition with 139,456 signatures to the Republican Party of Texas in Austin.
It called for an advisory referendum on Texan independence to be included on the March 2024 primary ballot. According to the Texas election code, the minimum number of signatures needed for a referendum to be considered is “five percent of the total vote received by all candidates for governor in the party’s most recent gubernatorial general primary election.”
The most recent Republican gubernatorial primary was in 2022, when 1,954,172 votes were cast, electing incumbent State Governor Greg Abbott. A […]
Go for it Texas! BUT, before you go, repay the USA ALL the monies you have received over the decades that helped develop your state to where it is today (you know for like the roads, bridges, Fema disaster funds, etc etc.) Also, I call b.s. on the statement that ‘Texas would have “no obligation to pay a portion of the debt accumulated by the federal system”. Texas was the beneficiary of some of that debt, so if you can’t repay it in one lump sum, then start sending in monthly payments!