Credit: Saul Loeb for AFP
Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold stopped counting the death threats she’s received from Donald Trump supporters as her state successfully challenged his right to be on its 2024 presidential ballot, she said Wednesday in a new report.
“I’ve received hundreds if not thousands of threats at this point,” Griswold told the Huffington Post. “I’m extremely concerned.”
Griswold made this admission after the Colorado Supreme Court ruled to block Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot under the 14th Amendment ban on insurrectionists, a decision the former president has vowed to take to the Supreme Court.
But Griswold says she’s been receiving terrifying messages since she first filed the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington lawsuit challenging Trump’s eligibility in September, the Huffington Post reports.
In the following three weeks, she received 64 death threats and more than 900 abuse threats, a staggering number considering Griswold had nothing to do with the actual case.
“I filed it because […]
Shades of Kristallnacht – and more will follow