Drawing by Robert Reich

Ask average Americans why they’re grumpy — why, for example, they don’t credit Joe Biden with a good economy — and lack of affordable housing comes high on the list.

An important but little understood reason home prices and rents have skyrocketed across America — causing so many young people, in particular, to feel frustrated with the economy — is Wall Street’s takeover of a growing segment of the housing market.

The biggest reason home prices and rents have soared in the U.S. is the lack of housing. Supply isn’t nearly meeting demand.

But here’s the thing: Americans aren’t just bidding against other Americans for houses. They’re also bidding against Wall Street investors — who account for a large and growing share of home sales.

Democrats in Congress are finally beginning to give this trend the attention it deserves.

Let me explain.

The Street’s appetite for housing began after the 2008 financial crisis, when many homes were in foreclosure — homeowners found they owed more on them than the homes were worth. As you recall, Wall […]

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