Criminal Trump, the only U.S. President to ever surrender Credit: CBS

As self-acknowledging “suckers and losers,” all active and former military members supporting Trump are betraying the million men and women who made the “ultimate sacrifice.”  It is disconcerting that so many of them are willing to overlook one of many critical flaws in a narcissistic megalomaniac who couldn’t care less about them.

They should also know that Trump is the first American president to overtly surrender to an adversary during a period of conflict.  They seem ignorant of the facts that form the basis of the Doha Agreement that Trump had Zal Khalilzad negotiate with the Taliban on his behalf. Betraying our Afghan allies, Trump’s negotiators entered the discussions without including the very people who would have to carry on with the governance of the country.

The agreement signed in Doha, Qatar, was if U.S. forces stopped attacking the Taliban, they would not attack our troops.  It also included a departure date by which all U.S. and NATO forces would be out of the country. That was/is in effect, surrender.

The comprehensive title of the documents was “Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate […]

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