The story of the North Atlantic right whale, an icon of the East Coast, should be one of hope — a tale of recovery.
Humanity’s strongest tools have been mobilized for their protection. For centuries, whalers hunted these graceful giants, which were once found throughout the North Atlantic, for their baleen and oily blubber. By the early 20th century, they were nearly extinct. But in 1935, alarmed by the shrinking number of right whales, international authorities banned commercial hunting of these animals. Decades later, as North Atlantic right whales were starting to recover, the US gave them another lifeline, listing them as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. That made killing or harming them a federal crime.
On paper, these whales were — and still are — highly protected. […]
Some people look to give whales the rights of person hood in order to protect them. See:
We give rights to corporations in order to protect them. What does that say about us?