Billionaire businessman Timothy Mellon, the grandson of Gilded Age plutocrat Andrew Mellon, made a $50 million donation to a pro-Donald Trump super PAC last month, a day after the former president was convicted by a New York jury on 34 felony counts.
Mellon had previously donated $25 million to super PACs backing both Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent presidential candidate. The New York Timesnoted late Thursday that Mellon, a reclusive GOP megadonor who has described safety net programs as “slavery redux,” is “now the first donor to give $100 million in disclosed federal contributions in this year’s election.”
“The grandson of Andrew Mellon peering out from behind a shrubbery to drop $50 million on an effort to defeat the strongest anti-monopolist element in government in decades is poetic,” The American Prospect‘s David Dayen wrote in response to Mellon’s donation, alluding in part to the Lina Khan-led Federal Trade Commission’s bold efforts to fight […]
Why would an individual give 50 million in a campaign contribution? It’s very simple actually. It’s a business investment. I don’t believe that Americans are aware at how cheaply their so called “representatives” can be rented by business interests. A contribution of 10,000, for example, can persuade a governmental “representative” to withhold a committee vote, or promote that vote. Ten thousand dollars is a rounding error for many businesses. But the investment can yield millions in profit. This process is equally true for Democrats as well as Republicans. Why do you think about half of the members of congress are millionaires? How do you do that on a salary of 174,000 per year? If you don’t start out that way when you enter you can certainly become wealthy very quickly once inside. Don’t believe me? Investigate your “representative” for yourself, and how much money they have obtained and from who at OpenSecrets.org. Want to know about your member of congress and their wealth?
See: https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2020/04/majority-of-lawmakers-millionaires/
This is why you see little change in policy from administration to administration. Connect the dots. Think outside the box.
Let’s be real—-greed has no limit! What? The billions this guy has isn’t enough for him? Shame on him! And do we need another tax cut for these ultra-rich billionaires? Look what happened to our national debt because of the last time Trump did this for these money-hungry pigs.
Trump MUST lose!