For Diana Perez, MD, a medical resident at the Family Health Center of Harlem, the handwritten thank-you note she received from a patient is all the evidence she needs that she has chosen the right training path.
Perez helped the patient — a homeless, West African immigrant who has HIV and other chronic conditions — get the medications and care he needed. She also did the paperwork that documented his medical needs for the nonprofit that helped him apply for asylum and secure housing.
“I really like whole-person care,” said Perez, 31, who has been based at this New York City health center for most of the past 3 years. “I wanted to learn and train, dealing with the everyday things I will be seeing as a primary care physician and really immersing myself in the community,” she said.
Few primary care residents get such extensive community-based outpatient training. The vast majority spend most of their residencies in hospitals. But Perez, who is being trained through the federal Teaching Health Center […]
The outcomes of this system will be blatantly apparent when another epidemic emerges. And it will, due to climate change. Italy’s healthcare system is mostly funded by taxes all Italian citizens pay. All citizens in Italy are provided medical services, for the most part, free of charge or almost. While in the United States citizens pay heavy insurance coverage fees or detrimental out-of-pocket medical expenses. Healthcare in other European nations is much less costly than the US, where big pharma companies make out like bandits. I lived abroad for several years and the difference was sshocking.