I have been following and reporting on the secessionist trend for several years now (see SR archive), watching it grow in Republican-controlled Red States and amongst Republicans in Blue States. What I find particularly interesting is that these secessionist Red States have notably inferior social wellbeing and poorer governance. Some like Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama are basically the equivalent of third-world countries. And they are very racist. What Red States secessionists don’t seem to understand is how dependent the Red States are on funding from the Democrat-controlled Blue States. So if they seceded the wellbeing of those states would just further decline. I think we are reaching a point where the United States may be restructured. In my remote viewing study a large percentage of the viewers describe the United States as still existing in the future, but real power has devolved to the states.
The Texas state flag flies at River Oaks Country Club in Houston, Texas, on April 5, 2024. Texan nationalists are coordinating with secessionist campaigners from five other states, according to one of their leaders. Credit: Aaron M. Sprecher / Getty
Texan nationalists are coordinating with secessionist campaigners from five other states, who are also interested in breaking away from the United States, according to one of their leaders.
The claim was made by Daniel Miller, president of the pro-independence Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), on the latest edition of his Late Night Coffee Talk online show that was broadcast on Facebook on June 19.
The past few months have seen a surge in activity from Texas independence campaigners, coinciding with heightened tensions between local authorities and the Biden administration over issues including illegal immigration and education. The Republican Party of Texas included support for an independence referendum in its 2024 Legislative Priorities and Platform document, which was released in June after this was approved by its convention in San Antonio the previous month. At the convention supporters of […]
If states view the US as a terrible country to belong to and given that they are often on the poorer end of the spectrum in many ways, it’s almost worth it to let them secede. They will never make it on their own, but the ignorance about this and our wonderful country will find them in really dire times. They must watch a lot of Fox News.
Mark Rountree
on Monday, June 24, 2024 at 8:04 am
I agree with Terri Q’s comment—in many ways, these states who threaten to secede (or half-states who threaten, like the ones in CA and OR) are net losers for the remaining Blue states so let them go. But here is the ongoing question that the secessionists never address: How will they pay for the (billions) in lost federal subsidies? How will they overcome very clear Constitutional guardrails? As with so many speeches coming from a vocal minority of Conservative extremists, it’s all bluff and empty threats, all targeted at raising money for their true goals: limiting freedoms of The Other, people who they are threatened by: non-white, non-male, straight, Liberal, non-religious taxpayers.
If states view the US as a terrible country to belong to and given that they are often on the poorer end of the spectrum in many ways, it’s almost worth it to let them secede. They will never make it on their own, but the ignorance about this and our wonderful country will find them in really dire times. They must watch a lot of Fox News.
I agree with Terri Q’s comment—in many ways, these states who threaten to secede (or half-states who threaten, like the ones in CA and OR) are net losers for the remaining Blue states so let them go. But here is the ongoing question that the secessionists never address: How will they pay for the (billions) in lost federal subsidies? How will they overcome very clear Constitutional guardrails? As with so many speeches coming from a vocal minority of Conservative extremists, it’s all bluff and empty threats, all targeted at raising money for their true goals: limiting freedoms of The Other, people who they are threatened by: non-white, non-male, straight, Liberal, non-religious taxpayers.