For more than 130 years, Americans have been instructed that drinking milk that comes directly from a cow’s udder can be dangerous.
The US dairy industry spends millions of dollars each year heating its product to 70C before sale, to kill microorganisms that can make people ill.
But a growing number of consumers would rather they left it alone. No longer the preserve of farmers and hippies, “raw” milk is now on sale in corner shops and trendy health food stores across America.
Its proponents argue that it helps with weight loss, gut health and lactose intolerance. Gwyneth Paltrow, the actress and a longtime promoter of unorthodox health advice, takes it in her coffee every morning.
“I think there are schools of thought that drinking raw milk is better because once you process it and everything, that’s when the dairy becomes harder to tolerate,” she said in a recent interview.
Pasteurisation, once a consensus issue, has become the latest frontier in America’s never-ending culture war.
Public health officials say that drinking the milk is dangerous, and could lead to a spike […]
Drinking raw milk? How many more things are the anti-vaxxers and MAGA going to do to once again show their ignorance? What has happened to the US? How did so many people develop stupid, ignorant, dangerous ideas about food, the environment, education, books to read, and especially voting for Donald Trump? Their numbers are large and scary, but, hopefully, there are sufficient numbers of thinking people who realize that America’s democracy is at risk, our lives and health are at risk, and thinking people, hopefully, will vote for Biden! This is the only hope for our country because Trump has clearly told Americans exactly what he plans to do if elected!
Vote Biden, people, if you want to save the country!
I do not know how a convicted criminal like Trump is not in jail, and NOT be able to run for President. Yes Terri, this nation has become STUPID, and every Republican is living proof of this FACT.