New law requires all Louisiana public school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments


Controlled by christofascist White supremacy Republicans, Louisiana, based on its social outcome data, is essentially the equivalent of a developing country. Your baby or its mother are more likely to die at its birth in Louisiana than in 45 other states. Most people don’t even live as long in Louisiana as they do in other American states. But the government is run by pseudo-Christians, who talk about the 10 Commandments, and are now demanding they be posted in every public school class room but don’t live them. Of course, there are now lawsuits being filed to stop this.

BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA — Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom, the latest move from a GOP-dominated Legislature pushing a conservative agenda under a new governor.

The legislation that Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed into law on Wednesday requires a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” in all public classrooms, from kindergarten to state-funded universities.

Opponents questioned the law’s constitutionality and vowed to challenge it in court. Proponents said the the measure is not solely religious, but that it has historical significance. In the language of the law, the Ten Commandments are “foundational documents of our state and national government.”

The posters, which will be paired with a four-paragraph “context statement” describing how the Ten Commandments “were a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries,” must be in place in classrooms by the start of 2025.

Under the law, state funds will not […]

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Senate GOP blocks Democratic effort to ban bump stocks after Supreme Court ruling


Even criminal Trump sought for a ban on bump stocks. I think he was afraid he might be assassinated by someone with an AR-15 with a bump stock. They have no use even as a. military weapons because they make the weapons so inaccurate; the only purpose of these devices is civilian mass shootings. But the Republican cult is terrified of offending the NRA so they blocked a new ban of bump stocks. Here are the facts. What I don’t quite see is how the Republicans voted to block something their maximum leader implemented.

Bump stock attached to AR-15. Credit: USCCA

Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked an effort by Democrats to pass a ban on bump stocks in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning a Trump-era federal prohibition on the devices.

Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), the author of the BUMP Act, brought his proposal up for unanimous consent, but Sen. Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.) blocked it.

The move came days after the court overturned a policy enacted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in 2018 after a mass shooting in Las Vegas killed 60 people and wounded hundreds. The shooter used guns equipped with bump stocks, which allow semiautomatic weapons to fire off hundreds of rounds per minute.

“Welcome to another day in the Democrat summer of show votes,” Ricketts said Tuesday, likening the move by Democrats to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) decision to hold votes on reproductive rights in recent weeks.

Ricketts also said the Supreme Court ruled correctly last week.

“This bill may be called the BUMP Act, but it’s not really about bump stocks,” Ricketts said. “This bill is about banning as many firearm accessories as possible and giving ATF […]

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Breaking down the South’s economic underperformance


One would think that the fact that the Red states, particularly those in the old Confederacy, have the worst economic outcomes would be a subject of national discussion.  Some are little more than third-world countries.  Here is a fact-based answer to why this is happening. Part of it is  “a key component of this model is ensuring the absolute minimal levels of regulation on businesses, including a lack of enforcement of labor laws or safety standards for workers.” This reflects what the MAGAt 2025 Project in yesterday’s SR seeks. Is this the United States you want? If not you better vote only for Democrats. In spite of their many flaws the Democrats are the only party committed to preserving democracy and fostering social wellbeing.

Summary: States that have embraced the Southern economic development model are underperforming when compared to regions that did not implement this model.

Key findings

  • The South is the region with the lowest per capita GDP relative to other regions in the United States when D.C. is excluded; Southern states are overrepresented among those with the lowest per capita GDP. 
  • Over the past 40 years, job growth across the South has lagged working-age population growth.  
  • The lower levels of unemployment across the South are misleading; the region’s low labor force participation and prime-age employment-to-population ratio (EPOP) indicate that many Southerners have become discouraged because they are unable to find a job or face serious employment obstacles. 
  • Large and intersecting racial and gender disparities in employment for Southerners reflect inequities and policy failures across the region. 

Why this matters

Far from delivering on their promises of shared abundance and economic prosperity, “business-friendly” policies have impoverished the South. The Southern economic development model is a key feature shaping the region’s economic underperformance. 

How to fix it

Instead of funneling resources to wealthy Southerners and corporations, policymakers should strengthen the social safety net, adequately fund schools, provide affordable access to childcare and transportation, and enforce labor laws or safety standards for workers.  

Full Report

In speeches and promotional materials—often seeking to lure businesses to relocate to the South—policymakers, […]

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New Polling Shows the Real Fallout From the Trump Conviction


It tells you a sad and sorry tale about the United States that millions of Americans are still willing to vote for a multiple convicted felon, rapist, and grifter. I wouldn’t sit down at a table for dinner with him. I met Trump once at a party in Manhattan when we were both in our twenties. I thought he was a loathsome nouveau-riche braggart.

Donald Trump’s criminal conviction didn’t instantly upend the 2024 presidential race. But the results of a new poll should be worrying for Trump.

In the weeks since the verdict, both parties have sought to shape the public’s initial reaction, with Republicans largely denouncing it and Democrats citing the result as further evidence that Trump is unfit for office. To figure out how this unprecedented moment is being processed by the electorate, POLITICO Magazine partnered with Ipsos in a new survey.

Among the most notable findings in our poll: 21 percent of independents said the conviction made them less likely to support Trump and that it would be an important factor in their vote. In a close election, small shifts among independent and swing voters could determine the outcome.

And yet there is also good reason to believe that Trump and his allies’ efforts to discredit the prosecution and conviction have cast doubt on the validity of the verdict among many people and limited the potential fallout for the former president-turned-felon.

A sizable number of Americans, including independents, question whether […]

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Miami Is Entering a State of Unreality


This is climate change as a reality. Much of Florida is going to be destroyed, and the moron Floridians elected as their governor, Ron DeSantis won’t even allow the words “climate change” to be used by his administration. This is the eleventh-hour alarm. Pay close attention to how your state’s governor and his administration respond to what anyone can see is happening.

Miami Is Entering a State of Unreality. Credit:  Daniel Kozin / AP

Hank Perez, 72, was trying to get home to North Miami Beach on Wednesday afternoon last week, but the rain had other plans. Floodwaters as high as the hood of Perez’s gray Toyota Yaris stalled the car; he pulled onto the median and called for roadside assistance, but it never came. Thousands of other commuters found themselves in similar straits: About a foot and a half of water had fallen across South Florida—not the product of a hurricane or a tropical storm but of a rainstorm, dubbed Invest 90L, a deluge that meteorologists are calling a once-in-200-years event. It was the fourth such massive rainfall to smite southeastern Florida in as many years.

“Rain bombs” such as Invest 90L are products of our hotter world; warmer air has more room between its molecules for moisture. That water is coming for greater Miami and the 6 million people who live here. This glittering city was built on a drained swamp and sits atop […]

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