Why Is a Group of Billionaires Working to Re-Elect Trump?


The oligarchs are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into influencing the peasants to vote away their democracy by voting for criminal Trump and the Republican crime party. Can Americans really be that stupid and ill-informed? We are going to see in November but watching and reading what is going on today, and how people are reacting, I am not at all sure democracy is going to survive. The Republicans are so confident of their position that 39 of them in the Senate voted against protecting your right to use contraception today.

Robert Reich. Credit: Steve Russell / Toronto Star

Elon Musk and the entrepreneur and investor David Sacks reportedly held a secret dinner party of billionaires and millionaires in Hollywood last month. Its purpose: to defeat Joe Biden and re-install Donald Trump in the White House.

The guest list included Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Milken, Travis Kalanick, and Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s treasury secretary.

Meanwhile, Musk is turning up the volume and frequency of his anti-Biden harangues on Twitter/X, the platform he owns.

According to an analysis by the New York Times, Musk has posted about the president at least seven times a month, on average, this year. He has criticized Biden on issues ranging from Biden’s age to his policies on health and immigration, calling Biden “a tragic front for a far left political machine”.

The Times analysis showed that over the same period of time, Musk has posted more than 20 times in favor of Trump, claiming that the criminal cases the […]

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Inside the ‘irregular warfare’ campaign fascists are conducting against America


Thom Hartmann gives an excellent explanation of what Trump and the criminal Republican Party are trying to do. The question is: Is any of this penetrating through MAGAt social media?  It doesn’t seem to be. What stands out to me is how confident the criminal Republican Party seems to be, and how openly they say what they have in mind to end American democracy. Almost everything they say about the Democrats is what they, in fact, are doing: projection at a historic level.

Two criminals confer, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin Credit: AFP

Trump lies that the guilty verdict against him — by a jury of his peers that his own attorneys picked — is an illegitimate, politically motivated show trial.

Trying to help Trump destroy Americans’ faith in our democracy and its justice system, Russian president Vladimir Putin’s spokesman today said of Trump’s trial:

“If we speak about Trump, the fact that there is simply the elimination, in effect, of political rivals by all possible means, legal and illegal, is obvious.”

Hungary’s dictator Viktor Orbán and Italy’s neofascist Deputy Prime Minister, Matteo Salvini, both also argued that Trump is the victim of political persecution.

Right wing media commentators and Republicans in Congress have leaped at the opportunity to echo Putin and Orbán.

This sort of propaganda is called “irregular warfare” (IW) — warfare by means outside of troops, bombs, navies, etc. — and the US used to be an expert at it. Typically, irregular warfare involves the use […]

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Rising temperatures will significantly reduce streamflow in the upper Colorado river basin as groundwater levels fall


Seven U.S. states depend on the Colorado River, and a significant share of our agriculture is made possible by that water. It is drying up, and we are not properly preparing for what is coming.

Colorado River

The Colorado River makes life possible in many Western cities and supports agriculture that sustains people throughout the country. Most of the river’s water begins as snowmelt from the mountainous watersheds of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, and a warming climate will drastically reduce these streamflows, new research finds.

Researchers from Desert Research Institute (DRI), USGS, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory teamed up for the new study, published May 23 in Nature Water. By applying warming to historical conditions for the East River in Colorado and using computer simulations to observe the impact on streamflow and groundwater levels, the scientists found that groundwater storage would fall to the lowest known levels after the first extremely dry year and fail to recover even after multiple wet periods. When groundwater levels fall, streamflows are drawn into the water table instead of contributing to Colorado River flows.

“We found that groundwater matters a lot,” says Rosemary Carroll, Ph.D., DRI research professor of hydrology and lead author of the study. “Even with historically observed wet periods in the model, the groundwater […]

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The Next Great Human Migration: Abrahm Lustgarten on America’s Future Climate


If you read me regularly you know that for a decade based on my calculations I have estimated that at least three million Americans are going to be displaced by climate change. Apparently, over three million were in 2022 just from climate emergencies. This is the best assessment of what this is going to mean that I have read.

On the Move: The Overheating Earth and the Uprooting of America. Published by Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2024

A 2022 report from the International Panel on Climate Change observed that more than 3.3 billion people around the world are “highly vulnerable to climate change.” And more than one billion people could be exposed to “coastal-specific climate hazards by 2050.”

Here in the U.S., the Census Bureau calculated that 3.2 million adults were displaced or evacuated due to natural disasters of all kinds in 2022. And while climate migration is not easily measurable, as there are multiple factors involved, it is no doubt happening. 

Investigative reporter at Politico Abrahm Lustgarten delved into the topic of U.S. climate migration in his new book, On The Move: The Overheating Earth and the Uprooting of America. Seeking to understand what climate migration might look like over the next few decades, Lustgarten used data and reporting from places across the country such as New York City, California, Arizona, Chicago, Texas and the Gulf Coast, the Isle de Jean […]

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The children who remember their past lives


Most people seem to think reincarnation is just an Asian religious belief, and it is that. But it is also a scientifically objectively verified reality and I am glad to see the public perception about this is changing. I find it interesting that a story of this length would appear in one of the most important newspapers in the U.S. It is a report on the work of a good friend, professor and physician Jim Tucker, head of the University of Virginia’s Division of Perceptual Studies. This reincarnation research is unique and the best body of work on this subject in the world. Begun by another friend, the late professor and physician Ian Stevenson, it has been going on now for two generations. If you want to know what science knows about reincarnation I recommend the books by Stevenson and Tucker. The idea that there is continuity of consciousness will change your perspective on life.

Jim Tucker leads the University of Virginia’s Division of Perceptual Studies. Each year, about 120 families contact DOPS about their children’s past-life recollections. Credit: Justin Ide / The Washington Post

In the beginning, it seemed like Nina was just an imaginary friend.

Two-year-old Aija had invented plenty of fictional characters before, but her parents — Ross, a musician, and Marie, a psychologist — noticed right away that Nina was different. (The family spoke to The Washington Post on the condition that only their middle names be used because of the sensitivity of the subject and because Aija is a young child.) From the time Aija learned how to talk, she talked about Nina, and her descriptions were remarkably consistent. Aija told her parents that Nina played piano, and she loved dancing, and she favored the color pink (Aija emphatically did not). When Aija spoke asNina, in the first person, Aija’s demeanor changed: Her voice was sweeter and […]

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