I have been following and reporting on the secessionist trend for several years now (see SR archive), watching it grow in Republican-controlled Red States and amongst Republicans in Blue States. What I find particularly interesting is that these secessionist Red States have notably inferior social wellbeing and poorer governance. Some like Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama are basically the equivalent of third-world countries. And they are very racist. What Red States secessionists don’t seem to understand is how dependent the Red States are on funding from the Democrat-controlled Blue States. So if they seceded the wellbeing of those states would just further decline. I think we are reaching a point where the United States may be restructured. In my remote viewing study a large percentage of the viewers describe the United States as still existing in the future, but real power has devolved to the states.
The Texas state flag flies at River Oaks Country Club in Houston, Texas, on April 5, 2024. Texan nationalists are coordinating with secessionist campaigners from five other states, according to one of their leaders. Credit: Aaron M. Sprecher / Getty
Texan nationalists are coordinating with secessionist campaigners from five other states, who are also interested in breaking away from the United States, according to one of their leaders.
The claim was made by Daniel Miller, president of the pro-independence Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), on the latest edition of his Late Night Coffee Talk online show that was broadcast on Facebook on June 19.
The past few months have seen a surge in activity from Texas independence campaigners, coinciding with heightened tensions between local authorities and the Biden administration over issues including illegal immigration and education. The Republican Party of Texas included support for an independence referendum in its 2024 Legislative Priorities and Platform document, which was released in June after this was approved by its convention in San Antonio the previous month. At the convention supporters of […]
Michelle Andrews, - Med Page Today / Kaiser Family Foundation
The United States has the worst healthcare system in the developed world. As I have said repeatedly it isn’t really a healthcare system it is an illness profit system. We are the only developed democracy that does not have universal birthright single-payer healthcare. Why is that? Because the United States, as a result of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision legalizing bribing politicians, is the most corrupt democracy in the world. As of this year, in my opinion, we are now a plutocracy.
For Diana Perez, MD, a medical resident at the Family Health Center of Harlem, the handwritten thank-you note she received from a patient is all the evidence she needs that she has chosen the right training path.
Perez helped the patient — a homeless, West African immigrant who has HIV and other chronic conditions — get the medications and care he needed. She also did the paperwork that documented his medical needs for the nonprofit that helped him apply for asylum and secure housing.
“I really like whole-person care,” said Perez, 31, who has been based at this New York City health center for most of the past 3 years. “I wanted to learn and train, dealing with the everyday things I will be seeing as a primary care physician and really immersing myself in the community,” she said.
Few primary care residents get such extensive community-based outpatient training. The vast majority spend most of their residencies in hospitals. But Perez, who is being trained through the federal Teaching Health Center […]
Why would a man give $50 million to a convicted 34-count felon the day after his conviction? How could he be allowed to? He did it because criminal Trump told him he would significantly reduce his taxes, which are already a proportional fraction of what you pay. He was allowed to do it because the United States is the most corrupt developed nation in the world. We are a plutocracy in which the 756 billionaires in the U.S. buy the government they want.
Fascist plutocrat billionaire Timothy Mellon
Billionaire businessman Timothy Mellon, the grandson of Gilded Age plutocrat Andrew Mellon, made a $50 million donation to a pro-Donald Trump super PAC last month, a day after the former president was convicted by a New York jury on 34 felony counts.
Mellon had previously donated $25 million to super PACs backing both Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent presidential candidate. The New York Timesnoted late Thursday that Mellon, a reclusive GOP megadonor who has described safety net programs as “slavery redux,” is “now the first donor to give $100 million in disclosed federal contributions in this year’s election.”
“The grandson of Andrew Mellon peering out from behind a shrubbery to drop $50 million on an effort to defeat the strongest anti-monopolist element in government in decades is poetic,” The American Prospect‘s David Dayen wrote in response to Mellon’s donation, alluding in part to the Lina Khan-led Federal Trade Commission’s bold efforts to […]
This is the proof of what I have been telling you for years now. Humanity is simply not taking climate change seriously enough to protect the Matrix of Life and the wellbeing of our societies. As a result, the impact of its effects is going to be devastating. I urge you to take a look this afternoon at my Schwartzreport podcast, Five Trends Shaping the Earth, where I lay out five major trends that are going to impact your life and shape the lives of your children and grandchildren.
For the first time, India’s coal-powered stations, such as the Ennore plant near Chennai, used more coal than Europe and North America combined last year. Credit: Idrees Mohammed / EPA
The world’s consumption of fossil fuels climbed to a record high last year, driving emissions to more than 40 gigatonnes of CO2 for the first time, according to a global energy report.
Despite a record rise in the use of renewable energy in 2023, consumption of fossil fuels continued to increase too, an annual review of world energy by the Energy Institute found.
Juliet Davenport, the president of the Energy Institute, said the report had revealed “another year of highs in our energy-hungry world” including a record high consumption of fossil fuels, which rose by 1.5% to 505 exajoules.
The findings threaten to dash hopes held by climate scientists that 2023 would be recorded as the year in which annual emissions peaked before the global fossil fuel economy begins a terminal decline.
The Energy Institute, the global professional body for the energy sector, found that while energy industry emissions may have reached a peak in advanced economies, developing economies […]
The United States has the worst wealth inequality of any developed democracy. This grotesque inequality combined with the Citizens United Supreme Court decision which legalized bribery is why our dmoecracy hangs by a thread, and will be determined by the outcome of the election in November. But of one thing there can be no doubt. We are a plutocracy.
In its annual analysis of CEO pay for The Associated Press, executive data firm Equilar reviewed the salaries, bonuses, perks, stock awards and other pay components of 341 top executives. The survey found that median CEO pay jumped nearly 13% last year, more than three times the 4.1% that wages and benefits netted by private-sector workers rose through 2023.
The AP’s CEO compensation study included pay data for S&P 500 CEOs who have served at least two full consecutive fiscal years at their companies, which filed proxy statements between Jan. 1 and April 30. Beyond the widening gap in compensation between CEOs and their employees, the survey also spotlights persisting gender inequity — with women still making up a minuscule amount of those with chief executive titles compared to their male counterparts.