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Editor’s Note: This excerpt from the book “Bodies Under Siege” includes extreme racist and misogynistic language, and descriptions of men’s violence against women and girls.

In the run-up to the 2016 U.S. election, the Red Pill subreddit, an online group of men’s rights activists, became increasingly politicised, helping to catapult the ‘alpha male’ Trump into the White House. Once in power, Trump met his voters’ male supremacist demands by weakening protections against domestic abuse and sexual violence, and appointed a Supreme Court that would ultimately end the right to nationwide safe, legal abortion.

But the Red Pill is not the only online subculture to bring together violent misogyny, conspiracy theories, and far-right beliefs that dreamed of pure male entitlement and an end to women’s rights. Perhaps the most extreme example is the incel group — another forum that started on Reddit and now flourishes on other platforms, such as and

Incel stands for involuntary celibates: a group of men and boys who feel sexually rejected by […]

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