Visitors walk past a sign reading “Stop Extreme Heat Danger” at Badwater Basin in Death Valley National Park, near Furnace Creek, during a heatwave impacting southern California on July 7, 2024. Credit: Etienne Laurent / AFP / Getty

2023 WAS THE hottest global year on record; data so far suggests that 2024 will match the trend. This week, more than 130 million Americans are under heat alerts, with numerous cases of death and illness being attributed to the sweltering heat. And amid it all, the 2024 Republican platform does not mention the word “climate” once. 

The basic inanity underscores the malign interest driving one of two major American political parties: $300 million of donations to lawmakers from energy and natural resource interest groups (namely, fossil fuel companies) since 1990 — more than double the amount directed to Democrats during that same period.

On Monday, the Republican National Convention announced its platform, which affirmed that the party is wholly Donald Trump’s. “MAKE AMERICA GREAT […]

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