“Men are feeling like they’re not getting what they deserve and women are literally losing their rights — and everyone’s sort of blaming each other,” Woodard said. Credit:  Joseph Ross / The Washington Post

Let’s talk about not having sex.

Some of our hottest celebs are not doing it. Julia Fox, Lenny Kravitz and Khloé Kardashian have all come out as celibate in the past three months.

Enough women appeared to stop having sex (or at least, stopped seeking it) that in May, the dating app Bumble launched an anti-celibacy ad campaign aimed at them. One billboard read, “Thou shalt not give up on dating and become a nun.” (Due to intense backlash, the campaign was short-lived. Bumble later acknowledged it had made “a mistake.”)

Not even warmer temperatures could shake the chill. In June, New York Magazine proclaimed it “a summer without sex.” The diagnosis: “Women are sick of dating,” Cosmopolitan UK declared.

It’s a season of celibacy — but not everyone is calling it that. Instead, young people are embracing going “boy sober.”

At first […]

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