We need to talk about the abominable headline below: Trump Can Win on Character, and how it is we have come to the fatal point where The New York Times and our broken mainstream media seem to need the America-attacking Donald Trump a helluva lot more than the America-attacking Donald Trump seems to need The New York Times and our broken mainstream media.
During the past few, rocky years my feelings about the newspaper I grew up reading as a kid — the paper that influenced me more than any other to become a newspaperman — in the New Jersey suburbs have evolved from surprise, to shock, to disappointment, to anger, to rage, to complete revulsion …
Aside from platforming maniacal, caustic headlines topping spurious content like the one above (which I promise to get to in a minute), this newspaper’s inability to spot the biggest news story of our lifetimes, and treat it with the heft it deserves, is journalistic malpractice, and […]
Sadly, the author missed the boat by decades. Let me give you my response: Weapons of Mass Destruction. That’s right headlines from decades ago. The author’s manipulative piece has conveniently ignored the fact that the New York Times has been lying for decades. If you have a chance, go back and read the drivel they published back then as the stenographers of power. That’s all the NYT has been for many years. I watched the decline. If you want real world news, or even national news for that matter the NYT is the last place I go. Many of my colleagues feel the same, and we have changed our news consumption habits to focus on those sources which actually get it right consistently. Maybe this author should do the same. Think outside the box.
I agree with you, Albus, as well as You, Stephan. What kind of newspaper prints lies like the NYT?
You are so right on the media’s timid coverage of Trump. With all that he has done and said over time, there should be an exclamation point at the end of every sentence! I have noted this and written about this that the soft timidity with which they discuss him, his comments, his actions, his crimes is almost journalistic felony! He has come as far as he has because the timid press for some reason refuses to excoriate him on everything! He is the lowest of the low and it’s almost shameful that his numbers are this high and the world sees this and wonders about the American people and what they believe and accept. He just better lose because if he wins, it’s “good-bye- US.” He and his criminal SCOTUS justices will destroy any trace of democracy as we have known it. And I blame the media for not reporting what they hear, see, and know!!!!
We who can see and understand Trump’s sociopathy scratch our heads and wonder how it is even possible for “normal” people to support him. At first I thought only crazed and stupid people were his supporters. Not so. Trump’s pathology is excused over and over for more superficial reasons. One friend recently said that Trump, unlike Harris, is serious and he says what he means without any concern. My answer is, of course he does, because this is what sociopaths do. They have no regard for others so they will say anything.
Beyond this is how Trump is persistently normalized in the media, treated as if he is a normal person with a worthy cause. But the main problem is that people do not actually listen to, and ingest, the very words he speaks — filled with immaturity, slander, lies, pettiness, immaturity, negativity, and hate. They are not listening; they do not know how to listen.
was unable to read the full story without buying a year’s subscription!