A chart showing that Technology, especially social media, is the top reason parents think it’s harder being a teen today

Why parents say it’s harder being a teen today

There are big debates about how teenagers are faring these days. And technology’s impact is often at the center of these conversations.

Prominent figures, including the U.S. Surgeon General, have been vocal about the harmful effects technology may be having on young people.

These concerns ring true for the parents in our survey. A majority blame technology – and especially social media – for making teen life more difficult.

Among parents who say it’s harder being a teen today, about two-thirds cite technology in some way. This includes 41% who specifically name social media.

While some mention social media in broad terms, others bring up specific experiences that teens may have on these platforms, such as feeling pressure to act or look a certain way or having negative interactions there. Parents also call out the downsides of being constantly connected through social media.

How we did this

“Social media is a scourge for society, especially for teens. They can’t escape social pressures and are constantly bombarded by images and content that makes them feel insecure and […]

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