Palestinian children after an Israeli attack. Credit: AA

The majority of the victims of Israel’s war on Gaza have been women and children, according to data released by the strip’s Government Media Office on 5 September. 

The data reveals that “69 percent of the victims are children and women.” The number of dead children alone stands at 16,715, while the number of women killed stands at 11,308. 

Marking “335 days of the genocide,” the media office highlighted that 3,556 massacres have been committed by the Israeli army against Palestinians in Gaza since the start of the war. 

The overall death toll now stands at 40,878, while another 10,000 are missing, either still under the rubble or in Israeli detention. 

The media office statement adds that nearly 1,000 medical workers and civil defense workers have been killed by Israeli forces. The number of journalists killed is now 172.

Additionally, seven mass graves have been found inside hospitals in the Gaza Strip.

Over 170 displacement shelters have been […]

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