Donald Trump rambled his way through the first 15 minutes of his Saturday rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, with a story about the size of golf legend Arnold Palmer’s manhood.
The GOP presidential nominee was in Latrobe, where Palmer was born, as part of a last-minute push to win votes in the battleground state before Election Day. However, the former president said he first “had to say” something about Palmer’s… putter.
“Arnold Palmer was all man,” said Trump, going off script to the delight of his crowd of MAGA fans. “And I say that in all due respect to women, and I love women, but this guy… This is a guy that was all man.”
Teeing up his next comments, Trump took several swings at paying Palmer a compliment.
“This man was strong and tough. And I refused to say it, but when he took showers with the other pros. They came out of there, they said, ‘Oh my God. That’s unbelievable.’ I had to say it.”
He added, “We have women that are highly sophisticated here, but they used to look at Arnold as a man.”
Trump spent […]
For a normal thinking person, Trump’s remarks about Arnold Palmer clearly show how he is absolutely the wrong person to be anywhere near The Oval Office! He is a sick puppy with inferiority feelings—which show in his constant bragging about how great he is. This is totally the wrong personality to be the leader of the strongest country in the world. He’s poison and those who support him must either be in his cult or either not listening carefully or of really lower intelligence. How could anyone want someone like him heading our country? He’s a disaster and a sick one as well and needs psychiatric treatment more than anything else. Sure, his father helped create this sicko, but Americans don’t have to vote this kind of person to be our president. He lies all the time and his supporters don’t seem to care! Why not? He will be the most powerful person in the world if he is elected. Americans were absolutely right when he ran again and lost! They knew what a disaster he actually was, so you think he’s better now? He’s dumb and is so jealous of Harris’s intelligence and speaking ability and her background that he can’t stop calling her dumb and stupid and a liar—-all the things he is. Because he uses the psychological term projection whenever he’s criticizing anyone—and they are his faults, not theirs. He must be defeated—and the world agrees!