I was a Bernie Sanders delegate for the 2020 Presidential election and I wish he had won, we would be a very different much better country if he had. Now he is crying out to get the attention of Americans exclaiming about the demise of democracy in the United States. What surprises me is the docile response of Americans. I have been studying how nonviolent social movements change the course of their country for over 30 years. It is one of the reasons I started spending dozens of unpaid hours each week doing SR. If you look at how Martin Luther King made the civil rights movement successful, how women got the vote in 1918, how Nelson Mandela ended apartheid in South Africa, how Gandhi got independence from Britain for India without a war, what you see is masses of civilians demonstrating in the streets, so many that the oligarchs and authoritarians have to give way. But where are the Americans today? Sitting in their homes like sheep. How is it possible that women are being turned into subordinate second class citizens, with so little resistance. I don’t understand but that is what is happening.
Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont Credit: Joe Maher / Getty
“My friends, you don’t have to be a PhD in political science to understand that this is not democracy. This is not one person, one vote. This is not all of us coming together to decide our future. This is oligarchy.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont is escalating his fight against the U.S. oligarchy with a new campaign directed at the nation’s wealthiest individuals—including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg—who he says are key culprits in a global race to the bottom that is stripping people worldwide of political agency while impoverishing billions so that the rich can amass increasingly obscene levels of wealth.
Announcing a new series that will detail how “billionaire oligarchs” in the U.S. “manipulate the global economy, purchase our elections, avoid paying taxes, and increasingly control our government,” Sanders said in a Friday night video address that it makes him laugh when mainstream pundits talk openly about the nefarious oligarchic structures in other places, but refuse to acknowledge the issue in domestic terms.
Terri Quint
on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 1:11 pm
Americans are asleep at the wheel and until they wake up, which may be too late, this nation is going down the tubes of oligarchy. Bernie Sanders is absolutely correct and nobody seems to want to face it or do anything about it.
Trump is the very worst thing in the last 50 years or so to happen to this nation. It is totally not understandable that Americans put him in office knowing full well what kind of person he is and his motives—-power and money! I blame Fox News, however, for his getting elected. His voters have no idea what really is going on and what he is doing that is dangerous for this country. They are lied to on a regular basis with lies, misinformation, and disinformation. One of the first things that need to be done is not allow “news” program to lie to viewers or listeners. This is extremely harmful to a democracy. But would Congress have the courage to enact fines of millions of dollars to thwart “news” stations from lying to viewers and listeners? That is absolutely what needs to be done!!! These programs are out to make money and fining them huge sums would be a deterrent, even the loss of their license for a period of time since they are motivated by money. That is one way to keep Americans informed with the truth and helping to preserve our democracy.
Americans are asleep at the wheel and until they wake up, which may be too late, this nation is going down the tubes of oligarchy. Bernie Sanders is absolutely correct and nobody seems to want to face it or do anything about it.
Trump is the very worst thing in the last 50 years or so to happen to this nation. It is totally not understandable that Americans put him in office knowing full well what kind of person he is and his motives—-power and money! I blame Fox News, however, for his getting elected. His voters have no idea what really is going on and what he is doing that is dangerous for this country. They are lied to on a regular basis with lies, misinformation, and disinformation. One of the first things that need to be done is not allow “news” program to lie to viewers or listeners. This is extremely harmful to a democracy. But would Congress have the courage to enact fines of millions of dollars to thwart “news” stations from lying to viewers and listeners? That is absolutely what needs to be done!!! These programs are out to make money and fining them huge sums would be a deterrent, even the loss of their license for a period of time since they are motivated by money. That is one way to keep Americans informed with the truth and helping to preserve our democracy.