Monday, December 23rd, 2024
Editor’s Note – Americans Did it to Themselves
Source: Schwartzreport
Publication Date: 23 December 2024
Link: Editor’s Note – Americans Did it to Themselves
As I watch the chaos of the incoming Trump administration, several trends have stood out for me. The first is how it is possible that such corrupt and incompetent men and women have been elected as the representatives of the districts and states they are supposed to serve. What I think we are seeing is the manifestation of what the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United made legal. A rich person or a small group of rich people can now buy a seat in the House or Senate for someone who has committed to serve their interests instead of the interests of their community. No uber-rich person is going to buy a seat for someone who will serve with high ethics and only make those votes that will foster wellbeing for society as a whole.
We are also seeing the result of the Reagan administration’s restructuring of the American tax laws which resulted in the creation of the billionaire oligarchs who now basically own the U.S. economy and basically have no allegiance to any country since their wealth is internationally based.
As I watch the Trump appointments to create the administration he will have when he steps into office what really stands out for me is the blatant nepotism. His acts of granting an advantage, privilege, or position to relatives or friends. It is medieval. Trump is behaving like a monarch from the 1300s, who has a parliament terrified to oppose him. Nothing that is going on with Trump suggests that by March the United States will remain an actual functioning democracy. Oh, like Hungary and Russia, we may still go through the rituals but they will be increasingly meaningless. It
So what to do non-violently that will stop the death of the America we have known all our lives? As I have been saying over and over, these trends can only be reversed, by millions of Americans going into the street, and demonstrating to demand change that fosters wellbeing. I wrote a book The 8 Laws of Change on how to do this. It is entirely fact-based both historically and scientifically. If we are going to remain a democracy it is up to you and me to become activists in whatever way we can. Nothing else is going to save us.
Two persistent visions recently ~ King Midas and The Phoenix Rising .
Must we rise from the ashes to learn the lessons of history .
There is only one absolute in life and that is Change. The inevitability of movement, new perspectives and people who show up to work for what affirms life inspires me. Gives me hope. CHANGE is the only absolute in life. There are too many people who are working toward better people, better ideas for governance to say that Trump is our sole destiny, forever and ever Amen and Ahwomen… You know them, Stephan. Be sure to shine a light on them, their groups several times a week. To bring change, to grow change, to be life affirming change one has to speak to it. Of it. What we have to say about life affirming change is what many people want to hear…at least a couple times a week! They want to know the who’s the how’s..the when’s and the where’s. For a number of years, I tracked The Rockefeller Foundation. They’re still in the ring.!
And they’re a good source for financing movements that are life affirming. They’r only one of many!
I am reading your book about the 8 laws of change for the second time. I highly recommend it to all your readers and to my friends. Intelligent, in depth theory on how change movements have worked. Fact based data on how to launch a successful movement. As an activist, it contains detailed data on what worked in the past. The how, the why successful change happened. With the stories of successful movements it’s a fascinating and important read!
Your report certainly says it well!!