School district warns parents of border patrol agents boarding buses for citizenship check
A group of young children getting on the school bus. Credit: Shutterstock)

A Texas school district has sent a warning to parents that border patrol agents could be boarding school buses to check the citizenship status of students.

In a letter to parents on Wednesday, Alice ISD Superintendent Anysia Trevino said the checks could occur during “student travel for extracurricular activities, including sports, band, and other co-curricular events.”

“We have received information that U.S. Border Patrol agents may be boarding school buses at highway checkpoints in and out of the Valley to question students about their citizenship status,” Trevino warned. “We strongly encourage families to be aware of the potential implications of these encounters. If a student is found to be without proper documentation, they may be removed from the bus, detained, and possibly deported.”

A spokesperson for Customs and Border Protection in the Rio Grande Valley told NBC News 4 that the agency was working on a response to the letter.

The district’s Facebook page indicated that Trevino was considering […]

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