American democracy in crisis. Credit: The Guardian

America is in crisis. Precipitated by the slimmest plurality, American voters chose to reject the values of honesty, integrity, compassion and morality for governance by greed, autocracy, and lawlessness. Repeatedly we were warned. The warnings of astute scholars of history fell on deaf ears as tens of millions of voters who followed the pied piper, a charismatic, mentally unstable criminal who bewitched them into believing he had their interests at heart.  Consciously those voters chose the path leading to authoritarianism and the dismantling of the established U.S. Government. This is not the first time morality has faltered with dire consequences.

In 1933 Adolf Hitler was elected Chancelor of Germany. Following the death of Hindenburg in 1934, Hitler merged the position of Chancellor and President and became Fuhrer. Post the Great Depression, the vast majority of the German people who voted for Hitler were concerned about their personal economic conditions.  Most of them were morally good people of Christian faith. They had no thoughts that only a few years later Germany would be exterminating people on an industrial scale.  It was only gradually that […]

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