The Trumpian coup, like all fascist movements, is building a concentration camp for the people it wants to persecute. And, of course, they’re putting it in a location where none of their opponents can oversee what is happening. The Nazis did the same thing. Think about it: 30,000 people are going to be trapped in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, a portion of Cuba the U.S. simply took from the Cuban people decades ago, and holds under military security. That tells us something else. It will, of course, require military service personnel, so it is also clear that the military itself is being conscripted into fascism with a Secretary of Defense who will be totally complicit.
“An open-air tent facility was rising on a field near the base’s Marine barracks,” reads the NYT caption, “housing for foreign laborers and crude sanitary stations. The edge of the base’s airfield can be seen in the distance.” Credit: Screenshot via NYTimes of photo taken by Doug Mills, embedded with Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem
“There’s no reason to build this in Guantánamo unless you want to do things you don’t think you could get away with on the U.S. mainland. It’s easy to put tents in Florida. But they’re putting them in Cuba. Ask yourself why.”
Fears are growing that the offshore U.S. detention facilities at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba are an ominous sign for what President Donald Trump has in store as he further disregards the rule of law and normalizes actions that previously would have been unthinkable or faced immediate, bipartisan opposition in Congress.
After the first pictures emerged Saturday of still unidentified persons transferred to the island from the U.S. mainland by immigration officials, progressive journalist Nathan Robinson was among those raising the alarm,