A pitiless crackdown on illegal immigration. A hardline approach to law and order. A purge of “gender ideology” and “wokeness” from the nation’s schools. Erosions of academic freedom, judicial independence and the free press. An alliance with Christian nationalism. An assault on democratic institutions.
The “electoral autocracy” that is Viktor Orbán’s Hungary has been long revered by Donald Trump and his “Make America Great Again” (Maga) movement. Now admiration is turning into emulation. In the early weeks of Trump’s second term as US president, analysts say, there are alarming signs that the Orbánisation of America has begun.
With the tech billionaire Elon Musk at his side, Trump has moved with astonishing velocity to fire critics, punish media, reward allies, gut the federal government, exploit presidential immunity and test the limits of his authority. Many of their actions have been unconstitutional and illegal. With Congress impotent, only the federal courts have slowed them down.
“They are copying […]
We cannot be upset that other countries are complaining and against what is going on in this country. No.2 is making the US unsafe as well as the world. Catering to dictators is not my idea of a positive, free, wonderful future. It is one of putting democracy vs dictatorship and it loosens the bonds of democratic countries toward each other. What No.2 is doing is actually making the US unsafe. He could care less about this country’s safety or democracy. All in all, it’s about money and enriching himself and his cohorts. That’s it!!! Disease, climate change, health issues, education, safety—-none of these things are on the active list except to ignore them and maybe, in No.2’s eyes, they will go away. Oh, yes, and let’s not forget his retribution!!!!
I have had the experience before to where those of other countries are angry and astonished regarding the behavior of the United States. This occurred with the US invasion of Iraq. My solution is very simple: I tell them the truth. I tell them that the government of the United States does not represent the people, as it is run by the elites for the benefit of the elites. I also use a very simple example, I ask how many people are in the population of their country, and how many political parties are represented in their legislative body. Let’s take Ireland. There are 5,380,000 people in Ireland, and there are nine parties represented in the Parliament. I tell my friends that we have 330 million and are only allowed two political parties. Once I let this sink in the understanding dawns, and the conversation is over. Think outside the box.