Donald Trump has framed and put his mugshot in the entry to the Oval Office in the White House to show his disdain and contempt for the law. It is his way to showing the world he sees himself as above the law, like a medieval king.

The legal counteroffensive against the Trump–Musk deconstruction of the federal government has begun. State attorneys general, unions, and other groups have already obtained multiple restraining orders and injunctions commanding that illegally frozen funds flow and illegally suspended employees be reinstated. However, the Trump administration has, predictably, proved reluctant to comply. Indeed, in some instances, it is simply defying court orders. For example, here in Colorado, more than $570 million in congressionally authorized funds is being unlawfully withheld from public and private groups, despite court orders commanding that the Trump freeze on the money be lifted.

As a result, the media is full of speculation about what happens if the president simply ignores court orders. This question really has two parts. First, what can courts do to compel compliance with their orders? Second, what happens to the country if Trump remains recalcitrant and the courts’ […]

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