Credit: Becca Taperi / Unsplash

The Republican Taliban doesn’t want my wife, Louise Hartmann, to vote. And they may well put that desire into law this year.

Republicans have always been wary of women voting or even engaging in politics, while Democrats are welcoming of women.

About two-thirds of all female state legislators serve in Blue states; for example, Nevada (61.9%), New Mexico (53.6%), and Colorado (51%) — all Democratic-leaning states — rank as the top three for women’s representation in 2025.

By contrast, Republican-dominated states are consistently at the bottom of the rankings for women’s representation. For instance, West Virginia (11.2%), South Carolina (12.9%), and Mississippi (14.9%) — all Republican-controlled — have the lowest percentages of women in their legislatures.

And Republican activists and candidates are often surprisingly open about their craving to strip women of their voting rights. JD Vance’s billionaire patron Peter Theil, for example, wrote in his 2009 essay for CATO Unbound:

“The 1920s were the last decade in American history during which one could be genuinely optimistic about politics. Since 1920, […]

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