Credit: Kent Nishimura / Getty
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump endorsed a House Republican budget plan that would impose hundreds of millions of dollars in cuts to Medicaid, a healthcare program jointly funded by federal and state money, which helps provide coverage for Americans with lower incomes, including pregnant women, children and people with disabilities, among others..
Trump endorsed the plan over another Senate proposal, which sought to pass much of his legislative agenda through two separate bills. Trump, who had previously said either plan was fine with him, said in a Truth Social post on Wednesday that the House plan was better, in his mind, because it puts most everything he wants into “one big beautiful bill.”
“[T]he House Resolution implements my FULL America First Agenda, EVERYTHING, not just parts of it!” Trump wrote in his post.
The bill Trump has endorsed would make over $1 trillion in cuts to Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program […]
Being a permanently disabled person, this action hits home for me. I wish someone would shoot Trump and put us all out of our misery under his terrorism.
Hopefully, the Senate will be more circumspective and realize the disaster that bill will do to the least able Americans. Has patriotism and love of Americans gone away?
Stephen, I love you and your light-dominated work. But aren’t you overlooking all your remote-viewing background in all this resistance to the Yeti-led chaos? The old systems have to come down, for the new ones to be put in place–and for the New Earth to begin arising. It just seems to me that resistance is futile right now and should be unleashed AFTER the Yeti’s followers have finally capitulated and his popularity drops dramatically. And that won’t occur for a while, until all the stuff he’s throwing into the air actually starts hitting the fan, so to speak. Have a good day on the island, brother. Definitely some interesting times we are going through.–Rich D.