The Republican cost-cutting mantra these days is to slash and burn – and worry about the collateral damage to the American people later.
The House budget resolution that passed last night demands that the congressional committee that oversees Medicare and Medicaid cut $880 billion in spending over the next decade, an order that would require substantial cuts to the entitlement programs that more than 130 million Americans rely on for health care.
Already, the new administration has set its sights on cutting funding to health care, medical research and disease prevention by reducing or freezing funding for the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Affordable Care Act.
I’m a front-line health care worker in New York City, and like everyone else in this nation, I’m also a consumer of health care. The efforts by President Donald Trump and his cost-cutting czar Elon Musk to decimate our health care system will endanger all Americans’ lives in the name of ill-considered cutbacks. This is terrifying to me – and it should be to you too.
How Medicaid and Medicare Cuts Harm Hospitals
Many Americans may not recognize […]
One of the things which is important to note as you read articles such as this is the absence of cuts to the Defense Dept., and the Pentagon. Even according to Trump’s own populist supporters, he will have no credibility with the population if he does not cut defense spending. That is the barometer by which to guide the seriousness of the process. If he cuts defense spending then he’s really serious. If he fails even his own supporters will know that this is a process to feed and cover the continued decline of the empire.
I don’t believe that No.2 will touch Medicare. Too many people on it and we older people do not tolerate messing with our lives.
But, given that so many MAGAs are on Medicaid, and even if they aren’t MAGAs, many who voted for him live in rural areas. They are going to scream bloody murder (maybe literally) and it will be interesting to see the fallout! This is the stupidest group to ever lead this country. It is no wonder that our allies are backing off because they realize that this is an unstable administration and nutsy.