A former senior Soviet KGB spy chief has claimed that Donald Trump was recruited as a spy by Russian intelligence as early as 38 years ago by his department, and given the codename ‘Krasnov’.

Russia’s ‘Committee for State Security’, abbreviated as KGB, was the main security agency of the Soviet Union between 1954 to 1991, responsible for internal security, foreign intelligence, counterintelligence and secret police functions.

In an extraordinary post on Facebook on 20 February, Alnur Mussayev – who used to run the successor to the Soviet-era KGB in Kazakhstan – claimed that he was personally aware of Trump’s recruitment by the agency in 1987. 

The recruitment, he said, was undertaken by his own KGB department. One of the key roles of that department was to acquire intelligence through business leaders in Western countries.

“In 1987, I served in the 6th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR in Moscow. The most important area of ​​work of the 6th Directorate was the recruitment of businessmen from capitalist countries”, wrote Mussayev in a Russian language post on Facebook.

“It was that year that our Office recruited 40-year-old businessman from the United States, Donald Trump, under the pseudonym ‘Krasnov’”.

He later added: “In the activity of intelligence agencies, as in life, […]

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