I agree with this article and the poll it reports on. I think the Democratic Party is a disaster, and I don’t understand why its leaders do not seem to understand why they are failing. What I think the Democratic Party should be doing is putting forward leaders in their 30s and 40s, who are good public speakers who can stand before audiences and say the Party has decided that what they are going to do and focus on is fostering wellbeing at every level of life on planet Earth, and explain what that means and how they are going to do it, in clear explanations that everyone, regardless of IQ can understand. This is not complicated; I could do it, in fact, have done it on dozens of podcasts and conference presentations (Go to my website www.stephanaschwartz.com and you can see some yourself.) The only way forward that is going to get us through what is coming in 2040 is for each American to make every decision they make of the options available the one that is the most compassionate, life affirming, and fostering of wellbeing, and that includes who you vote for.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries arrive to speak with reporters at the U.S. Capitol on Feb. 12, 2025. Credit: Francis Chung / Politico
Voters still have a sour view of Democrats six weeks after President Donald Trump and Republicans swept into Washington with control of all branches of the federal government, according to a new poll.
A plurality of voters — 40 percent — said the Democratic Party doesn’t have any strategy whatsoever for responding to Trump, according to the survey by the liberal firm Blueprint that was shared first with POLITICO. Another 24 percent said Democrats have a game plan, but it’s a bad one.
A paltry 10 percent said that the party has a solid technique for dealing with Trump. And that’s coming from a Democratic outfit’s survey.
The unsparing findings, issued by a group backed by mega-donor Reid Hoffman, amount to a major rebuke of the party’s approach to the dawn of Trump’s second term. And they come at a […]
I wonder what you think the crisis event of 2040 could be?
I have been hearing people talk of a coming polar shift.
I have been a great fan of your remote viewing work over the years.
Thank you for all you do.
The Democrats need to start cleaning house in a very public way to win back the trust of the working class of all persuasions, and this they will not want to do, because they are more like republicans than the working class.
For the Congress at large:
1. give up their cadillac life-long health insurance and join the fray of securing and managing the health care insurance fiasco like the rest of us. This will change the situation in a hurry.
2. give up their life-long 100% salary retirement fund (earned after a paltry 5 years of service) and scrabble in the dirt like the rest of us after sometimes 30+ years of service.
3. give up their insider trading exemption
4. give up their corporate and pac donations
5. give up their right to vote for their own employment terms (raises, benefits, etc.) unless every other american has the same right
6. give up working as lobbyists after their terms cease
7. require media to donate equal electioneering air time in return for tax breaks, etc.
8. become a multi-party system allowing wider representation of citizenry and more inclusive legislation, assuming the best of human behavior
Pie in the sky? Maybe. But I am ready for something really different, not just younger politicians who still control their own purse strings at the public trough. Being what we are, there are few who can resist the feast.
I am slowly coming to the conclusion that those who don’t know (or won’t admit) what’s wrong with the Democratic party are doing so with willful ignorance. It has been exhaustively documented that the Democrats have abandoned the working class for many, many, years but certainly in an overt manner under Clinton. The so called “new Democrats” who never saw a corporation or free trade agreement they didn’t like.
Interestingly, as the article states: ““Voters correctly identified that the Democratic Party has lost its way,” said Evan Roth Smith, the top pollster for Blueprint. “The Democratic response [Tuesday] night was more or less a continuation of what we’ve seen from Democrats so far. Which is, there was nothing overtly wrong about it, but it didn’t actually do anything to ameliorate this core issue Democrats face, which is voters aren’t quite sure what we stand for and would like us to get back to the basic principles of the party.”
Nothing overtly wrong with that? Really? This is the willful ignorance playing out before your eyes dear reader. And so Evan Smith references the CIA (err Democratic) response to Trump, and as the article continues:
“Progressives complained that Sen. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.), who delivered the official Democratic response to Trump, positively invoked former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.”
So this is the current state of the Democrats: They use a former CIA officer (Slotkin) to give the Democratic response. It’s understandable that she would invoke Bush ( former CIA director who became President), but Reagan as well!? So the Democrats seek the support of the Chaney family for the election, and invoke George Bush and Ronald Reagan during the response to the Trump speech.
Does anyone else see a problem with this? Maybe the Democrats could invoke actual Democrats to counter Trump? Well they could if they were committed to reform of the system; however, if they were conflicted about giving up the big campaign contributions and alienating the donor base you would expect to see what is occurring before your eyes. The Democratic party is corrupt to its core. Don’t like what you’re seeing? Then you’ll have to change the structure. Think outside the box.
From talking to large numbers of people programmed by right wing media, I don’t know if there is anything the democrats can possibly do that will not be viewed as part of an elaborate liberal conspiracy by half of the population. People only know the information that they are exposed to, and no amount of opposing data can sway people once their beliefs are shaped. Without a massive change in the astoundingly unequal distribution of information I don’t think any political progress is possible. To use the words of a PR firm representing petroleum corporations ” we will have done our job sufficiently well when every person in the entire United States is confused about the reality of climate change” How does a political party stand against mass programed confusion in a corporate structure that views distortion of reality as a moral imperative to their business interests.
I agree overall that the Democratic party has lost its way. BUT: Nate G is also correct. Look at the fact that three of the best Senate Democrats–Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, and Jon Tester–who in different ways all did promote the causes of working class Americans, were defeated by truly awful Republican opponents. That says to me that real information isn’t getting through the massive right wing indoctrination this country has experiences.
Hakeem Jeffries is a really nice person, but he has a poor delivery style and uses his hands and arms inappropriately that detract from what he is saying. He either needs speech lessons or we find someone who is a great speaker that will hold people’s attention and get the message across. It is so important to have a great speaker who connects with people so that they actually listen and believe what is said. So the Dems look weak at this point and either the good Republicans in Congress who realize how the US is being literally overrun by No.2 and his sycophants must come forward and save our government! They must speak loudly and clearly and be determined to change the public perception and the actual horrible acts that No.2 is committing without any opposition. Where are the believers in democracy and love of country?
I don’t see how the Democratic Party can reform itself so long as it accepts corporate campaign contributions. Politicians are always beholden to those who finance them
I was registered as a Dem then before the last election I changed to independent. I hate what has become of the “liberal” party which it is just corporate graft like the other one, just nicer. The Al Green episode gave the perfect example of complicity with MAGA. He stood against the liar-in-chief and was escorted out. Meanwhile the rest of the party sat down and behaved as directed. They should have gotten up and walked out with Green. Then ten voted for censure, leadership should stopped this action, DINOs. You cannot make nice with evil. New leadership from top to bottom or close up shop.
I wonder what you think the crisis event of 2040 could be?
I have been hearing people talk of a coming polar shift.
I have been a great fan of your remote viewing work over the years.
Thank you for all you do.
The Democrats need to start cleaning house in a very public way to win back the trust of the working class of all persuasions, and this they will not want to do, because they are more like republicans than the working class.
For the Congress at large:
1. give up their cadillac life-long health insurance and join the fray of securing and managing the health care insurance fiasco like the rest of us. This will change the situation in a hurry.
2. give up their life-long 100% salary retirement fund (earned after a paltry 5 years of service) and scrabble in the dirt like the rest of us after sometimes 30+ years of service.
3. give up their insider trading exemption
4. give up their corporate and pac donations
5. give up their right to vote for their own employment terms (raises, benefits, etc.) unless every other american has the same right
6. give up working as lobbyists after their terms cease
7. require media to donate equal electioneering air time in return for tax breaks, etc.
8. become a multi-party system allowing wider representation of citizenry and more inclusive legislation, assuming the best of human behavior
Pie in the sky? Maybe. But I am ready for something really different, not just younger politicians who still control their own purse strings at the public trough. Being what we are, there are few who can resist the feast.
I am slowly coming to the conclusion that those who don’t know (or won’t admit) what’s wrong with the Democratic party are doing so with willful ignorance. It has been exhaustively documented that the Democrats have abandoned the working class for many, many, years but certainly in an overt manner under Clinton. The so called “new Democrats” who never saw a corporation or free trade agreement they didn’t like.
Interestingly, as the article states: ““Voters correctly identified that the Democratic Party has lost its way,” said Evan Roth Smith, the top pollster for Blueprint. “The Democratic response [Tuesday] night was more or less a continuation of what we’ve seen from Democrats so far. Which is, there was nothing overtly wrong about it, but it didn’t actually do anything to ameliorate this core issue Democrats face, which is voters aren’t quite sure what we stand for and would like us to get back to the basic principles of the party.”
Nothing overtly wrong with that? Really? This is the willful ignorance playing out before your eyes dear reader. And so Evan Smith references the CIA (err Democratic) response to Trump, and as the article continues:
“Progressives complained that Sen. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.), who delivered the official Democratic response to Trump, positively invoked former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.”
So this is the current state of the Democrats: They use a former CIA officer (Slotkin) to give the Democratic response. It’s understandable that she would invoke Bush ( former CIA director who became President), but Reagan as well!? So the Democrats seek the support of the Chaney family for the election, and invoke George Bush and Ronald Reagan during the response to the Trump speech.
Does anyone else see a problem with this? Maybe the Democrats could invoke actual Democrats to counter Trump? Well they could if they were committed to reform of the system; however, if they were conflicted about giving up the big campaign contributions and alienating the donor base you would expect to see what is occurring before your eyes. The Democratic party is corrupt to its core. Don’t like what you’re seeing? Then you’ll have to change the structure. Think outside the box.
From talking to large numbers of people programmed by right wing media, I don’t know if there is anything the democrats can possibly do that will not be viewed as part of an elaborate liberal conspiracy by half of the population. People only know the information that they are exposed to, and no amount of opposing data can sway people once their beliefs are shaped. Without a massive change in the astoundingly unequal distribution of information I don’t think any political progress is possible. To use the words of a PR firm representing petroleum corporations ” we will have done our job sufficiently well when every person in the entire United States is confused about the reality of climate change” How does a political party stand against mass programed confusion in a corporate structure that views distortion of reality as a moral imperative to their business interests.
I agree overall that the Democratic party has lost its way. BUT: Nate G is also correct. Look at the fact that three of the best Senate Democrats–Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, and Jon Tester–who in different ways all did promote the causes of working class Americans, were defeated by truly awful Republican opponents. That says to me that real information isn’t getting through the massive right wing indoctrination this country has experiences.
Hakeem Jeffries is a really nice person, but he has a poor delivery style and uses his hands and arms inappropriately that detract from what he is saying. He either needs speech lessons or we find someone who is a great speaker that will hold people’s attention and get the message across. It is so important to have a great speaker who connects with people so that they actually listen and believe what is said. So the Dems look weak at this point and either the good Republicans in Congress who realize how the US is being literally overrun by No.2 and his sycophants must come forward and save our government! They must speak loudly and clearly and be determined to change the public perception and the actual horrible acts that No.2 is committing without any opposition. Where are the believers in democracy and love of country?
I don’t see how the Democratic Party can reform itself so long as it accepts corporate campaign contributions. Politicians are always beholden to those who finance them
I was registered as a Dem then before the last election I changed to independent. I hate what has become of the “liberal” party which it is just corporate graft like the other one, just nicer. The Al Green episode gave the perfect example of complicity with MAGA. He stood against the liar-in-chief and was escorted out. Meanwhile the rest of the party sat down and behaved as directed. They should have gotten up and walked out with Green. Then ten voted for censure, leadership should stopped this action, DINOs. You cannot make nice with evil. New leadership from top to bottom or close up shop.